mid September bakes

Profile picture for user Floydm

A couple of recent bakes here... The first a 50% whole wheat sourdough.

My loaves were a bit small for the brotforms I used so they didn't come out too impressive looking, but they tasted really nice, nutty and tart.  I used Nunweiller's Red Fife Flour, which contributed significantly to the flavour.

I also made Hamelman's Golden Raisin Loaf.

This one is about 20% whole wheat and includes both a levain and a bit of commercial yeast.

Quite a tasty loaf, though as is to be expected it staled noticeably quicker than the pure sourdough loaves did.

Open translucent crumb, no compression, thin crust; you nailed it!

I think you should feature it for a time.

Love the crumb on the half WW SD.  How could it be so uniformly irregular?  Well done!