If you know me you’ll know I’m a big fan of classical rock and roll, and also, you’ll know about my passion for baking bread. I’ve tried to link rock and roll and bread, and I’ve dedicated breads and cakes to some idols like Iggy Pop or Led Zeppelin. If you really know me maybe you’ll know that when I was a kid I attended to guitar classes during 8 years, and that Carlos Santana has always been one of my references. I dedicate this bread to the mexican guitar player. Why? Because this bread is Supernatural: it is done with 100% organic flours, water and salt.
Very nice looking loaf - makes you just feel better.... :)
Happy Baking,
ThatsThat's a great tribute bread. Your crumb looks perfect and I'm sure some of this bread grilled with some olive oil would be perfect.
This bread really rocks!
I'll play a loud E7#9 for that loaf!!
E7(#9) The Carlos Santana and Jimi Hendrix Chord.