Have been baking up a storm for 2 days. All is preordered so no guess work as to what to prepare. Orders have grown like crazy ! I have converted my sunroom that is adjacent to my kitchen into a kitchen annex. Added a large maple table that I already had and a bookcase from the used furniture store to hold supplies. So far it is working out great. Here is some of the bounty. My husband is making his pasta also for sale by order.
sourdoughs...Norwich and SJSD, Challahs , Oatmeal bread and rolls, bagels, dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing. new storage:
dinner rolls:
more Challah:
cinnamon rolls:
16 loaves of SJSD !
where is the dishwasher ????? he is fired !
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time business even it if doesn't grow! Nice going!
I'm sure that your customers will be delighted.
Me, I'm lusting for that work table...
I can imagine that your breads (and your husband's pasta) are a hit! Your work station looks very similar to mine, a nice, happy place to work in.
Everything looks great!
I bet the folks down in your neck of the woods think anything named "San Joaquin Sourdough" must be really exotic. I am eager to hear your customers' take on it. You know. It's like waiting to see your kid's report card. ;-)
db..it sure is taking some time ! I decided tonight to limit the offerings each week and rotate through my list of things. I am trying to do too much. I do straight yeast as well as SD since many folks don't even know what wild yeast is LOL ! Will see how it goes as colder weather gets here and soup gets on the menus at more homes...a loaf and a bowl are a welcome dinner.
thank you Paul...I am getting a fair number of repeat customers and also they are requesting things and trying new things so it is educating us all ! It is just a maple table from Scandia...have had it since 1978 ! I have another one in my dining room...it is much bigger but exactly the same.
karin..hi..when I saw that bookcase your work station is the first thing that came to mind !! I had to have it and they took of a good bit from the price as it had been there so long. It is solid pine. Holds a lot of stuff. So far people seem to be pleased we shall see. You are such an old hand at this and do so many interesting breads. I will hope to be half as good as you are. thanks for looking.
David they keep requesting it so I guess they like it. As an aside the 16 loaves that went to my son's place were devoured !!! They had 186 people !! He made an 8 ft long charcuterie table for some chefs that came to visit . He said he was SO glad he had my bread as they never would have had anything like it. He said they were exclaiming over the whole meal. So I feel good about that. Will see how many continue to request and I shall pass along all comments...so far my son said..."delicious bread Mom" :) c
I am impressed. i bake that much bread in a week…can't imagine doing it in one day!
How nice to have a regular group of eager customers. How did you get them?
Your work space looks great. Nice having the room for everything in one place. My supplies are spread throughout our house and garage…..Good challenge for my brain to remember where things are :O
THanks for the post and photos of your wonderful breads. I love the shot of your dishes too. So many times we just see the end results of the days labors. One forgets all the dishes involved. Mis en place…..in the end it is a pile of dirty dishes :- )
Take Care,
Wow! Just a fantastic bounty of beautiful breads. I'm sure your customers will be very happy.
Indeed ! My husband is a trooper when it comes to washing up . I also wash as i go as I only have so many pans and pots. I have certain favorites also that were my Mom's and Grandmother's so use them a lot and they get washed and re-used all day. I plan ahead but will have to get even better at it. I used to bake for my food co-op that I ran for 100 people back in the early 80's. Has been awhile LOL ! We had an 18 wheeler that backed into my driveway every month with a huge order of 50# bags of flour and 60# cans of honey and 30# buckets of peanut butter...real hippies were we :) Times change but remain the same...this group was started by a bunch of 60 somethings and we use the UU parking lot...old hippies again ! We are a Farmer's Market and pay dues to a huge organization that was started by a person in Athens GA. They have 4000 members in Athens ! Wow...we will never be that big but we are growing every month. Thank you for your sweet words.
Hey Ian !! I love your posts !! Your ideas keep me going and your explicit follow up to your bakes is wonderful support...you and db and David and so many more. Where would I be without TFL ? Thanks for the kind words . c
That is a LOT of variety you have there, and everything looks great! My only advice to you: Whatever you do, DON'T fire the dishwasher.
Wonderful spread. If you ship I'll take one of those there cinnamon buns "seven sisters" but it looks like a lot more than seven buns. Throw in a SJSD too.
Great work,
Kitchen, baking, customers, what a wonderful project you have going. The breads all look wonderful. What great kitchen setup. Love the table with all the delicious looking pasta on it. I can see why your in demand and growing. Thank goodness for big sinks and husband that helps out : )
Very nicely done!
Yes Mark he is a fixture around here after 42 years...and he is my best taste tester too !! I went in to the market site and made my selections fewer...trying to save the baker's sanity ! I don't know how you do it . Want this to remain fun. Thank you for your kind words .
Thank you Josh..if I thought it would get there and still look and taste great I would ship :) It is a baker's dozen...13 rolls...and with that cream cheese icing I almost swooned they were so good ! Secret ....the dough is my Challah...just roll out 14 oz and fill and cut . The SJSD does have good keeping powers so would probably survive the post :) Thank you for looking and your kind words.
Thank you Sylvia ! It is definitely growing we have new people joining every week. I don't do pasta so glad my husband decided to play in the kitchen too ! He is a great cook and bottle washer :) I appreciate the kind words . c