Farmer's Market Week 13 Sprouted Wheat Levain w/ Barley and Rye


My vacation has begun... with baking.  I've eyed the Arrowhead Mills Sprouted Wheat Flour for some time and decided it was time to use it.  My attempts here were directed at a solid everyday bread.  No fillers besides the 25% Whole Grain addition.  The dough is quite fantastic.  Very smooth and elastic with great strength.  It was so active and happy at the time of divide/shape I didn't dare proof it at room temp at all and went straight to the retarder for 8 hours (maybe a mistake).  Holy Oven Spring.  

Made a big change for my steaming. I went and bought a big bag of lava rocks and filled my roasting pan with them.  Poured about 2 Cups of water in at start of bake and removed after 13 minutes.  This seems to have provided much more steam than the towels/smaller rock tray.  A winner that takes less effort, yes please.  

Formula  (77% hydration)

For 2 loaves @ 

Levain (6 hours at 75 degrees)  77% hydration

205      Sprouted Wheat Flour

147.5   H20

103       White Starter (100%)


Finished Dough:  Autolyse 2 hours  DDT (76-78F)

600       H20

373.3    Malted Bread Flour (11.5 % protein)

350.8   Hi Protein Bread Flour (14% protein)

34         Barley Flour

16.5     Rye Flour

22         Sea Salt


1)  Mix Levain and let rise 6 hours.  This was quite stiff as the wheat really sopped up the H20 but I wanted the levain to be at the final dough hydration as has been my method of late.  

2)  Autolyse Flours and Water for 2 hours (Hold back 10% of water)

3)  Add levain and mix on speed 1 to incorporate (3-5 minutes).  Add salt and continue until well distributed. 

4)  Turn to speed 2 (I am using a commercial hobart with 4 speeds) so lo medium. and develop dough.  

5)  Once well developed add remaining water and mix on speed 1 until dough comes back together. 

6)  Bulk Ferment 4 hours:  2 sets of French slap @ 15 minutes followed by 2 s + f's at 40 minutes.

7)  Divide and preshape.  Rest 20 minutes.  

8)  Shape into floured bowls.  Cover and retard 8-12 hours

(due to minor underproofing I might give them 30-60 minutes at room temp before retarding.)

9)  Bake at 500 with steam for 12 minutes(10 minutes might be better), then lower to 480 and continue for 10-15 minutes. 


Bounty Pictures to come.  I certainly made myself look good and didn't show the blowout scores.  The oven spring and my lack of sleep made scoring pretty bad til the last two sets.  Anyhoo.  

Its quite tasty.  Thin chewy crust with a soft moist crumb and a nice bit of sour.  




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Those are gorgeous !!  Stunning bread. I am saving all the formulas that are posted with sprouted flour. The folks at To Your Health Sprouted Flour are right up the road from me. I am lucky that they deliver to our local farmer's market. So far I have sprouted spelt , oatmeal and rye. I have't used them yet but I plan on it  asap. Your formula looks great and love the detailed instr. I am not a formula inventor so appreciate those of you that share. Thank you ! c

Hi Josh,
I am delighted when I see how, post after post, your loaves 'blossom' and open up so beautifully!
The crumb is perfect.
Thanks for sharing how you made this one.
:^) breadsong

I too am about to start trying sprouted wheat flour. Do I understand that you found fermentation to go faster with it? I gather all the sprouted wheat was pre-fermented.


didn't have ears like that.  I would say with the new steam that under proofing is the way to go!  What a nice looking loaf and the bold baked blisters are fantastic.  Well done Josh.


Thanks to all for the kind words.  

@ David.  I have no experience with sprouted grain so this is all new for me and I'm using my current bread knowledge along with what I've read to guide me.  I really wanted the levain to have a little character so i took the chance and made the levain with all sprouted wheat flour (minus the smidgen of white from the seed starter)  I was prepared for it to go fast but the stiff starter kept it at bay(if this was 100% hydration I'd imagine it would have been peaked in 2 hours or less).   During the first few hours i saw little activity but as soon as I saw it start moving it went quite quickly.  it was more than doubled at the 6 hour mark but didn't float in water.  I went ahead with the mix.  I intended for 3:30 hours of bulk ferment give or take but I divided closer to the 3 hour mark because the dough was doubled.  So I've rambled as i always do.  At this percentage i feel it acted in a similar time frame to the doughs I've been making that are heavy on whole grain (40-60%).  There is certainly more to learn and I will certainly use it again.  The dough has a nice tang, and good depth in flavor. For those that wish I'm sure a small addition (2%) of agave would be nice.   A keeper for sure.    


And the bounty.  Got some mitaki mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms (used for tea as a superfood of sorts), broccoli, zukes, lemon cukes, fennel, sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, poblanos, carrots, Annana melon, French pears, Artichokes, and some goat milk feta (thats already gone and eaten).  

So what's next?  Any challenges or suggestions? 


You are getting more for your bead.  You got $10 worth of artichokes alone:-)  Must be fun to meet everyone every week as well. 

Every week the farmers are more than generous and i spend maybe 10 dollars and get 50 in return if not more.  These are artichokes are only $1.50 each but they were worth the $10 you speak of after eating em.  

Now if I made your breads with all them fancy ingredients I'd certainly have to get more product in return.  One day I'll be daring enough and have a pantry to make the wonderful multi-grain bakes you are famous for.  

It's fantastic gettin to know the farmers and sharing life with each other.  


Very nicely done with the use of your sprouted wheat flour.  Just looks like the kind of bread we would enjoy anytime and especially a lovely fall season eating bread with big bowl of soup.  I do have some ASWF tucked away in the freezer.  Your beautiful bread is very inspiring.


Thanks so much.  The ASWF is the only variety I have found in stores so there is no comparison to other commercially made, like products.  The bread has a fantastic flavor all hidden in the chew.  Yum.  You should certainly make room in your freezer for something else and use it up.  



You are all too kind.  If it weren't for all the wonderful people here and there similar enthusiasm for all things bread I'd have few to share with.  So thank you all for being good family.  




Hi Josh,

Beautiful loaves on all counts, especially crust, scoring, and that amazing crumb! Very nice baking!
