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Well, after a bit of a break from baking I'm trying to get the hang of it all over again. I had a few loaves I wasn't happy with so I went back to the first recipes I used, namely the 1984 version of Laurel's. I came up with these, they're the best ones I've made, so obviously I could use some tips! I pretty much make only WW bread, this time with KA.


I am having the same broblem.

I took a break and also moved from Australia to the UK. Using different flours etc.

I used to add a little gluten to my bread (I am a WW person too) but bought some organic strong wholemeal flour and even though my first loaf with currants was half decent, my second batch was flat and crumbly.

I'd say buy some gluten flour, but thats just me and what I am wishing for....BUT I know the flour is not the problem!

I am tooo inexperienced to offer much assistence apart from the usual, knead for longer perhaps, check the type of flour you are using, add a little gluten flour and add dome fold during the bulk fermentation.




Good luck!  Its amazing how tyou lose the knack after a break!