my friend travels quite a bit in her work. Presently she is in China, Kunshan. she lived in San Francisco before, and worked with a German company. That was how she pick up to love sourdough bread especially rye. she bought me Roggen Mehl1150 flour recently when she was in Taiwan. Yes, i sent her hunting for flour wherever her work require her to be!!
this bake is for her.
checked out in the internet for further understanding of this flour...
Rye Flour (Roggen Mehl 1150)
Germany's Roggen Mehl Number 1150 is equivalent to a medium to dark rye flour. Rye flour is darker than flours made from wheat and it has higher amounts of vitamins B and E.
Rye flour is used most often for breads and bread rolls. It imparts a slightly sour flavor to breads. Breads made with rye flour have a longer shelf life and taste fresh longer than breads made with wheat flours. It is also often combined with other flours because of its low gluten content.
i added the balance of Quinoa i did for the last bake and 50g of toasted flax seeds. used 25% of the flour for this bread. little touch of Asian with 100g unsulphured dry longan :) at 75% hydration
she sent me a picture.. she indulged it with greens, smoked ham, cube of vintage cheddar, drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a spread of raspberry de pomegranate :)
taste.. good sour and a hint of fragrant sweetness from the longan.
- evonlim's Blog
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You have some nice friends Evon to be looking out for flour all over the world. Very nice bake as usual. I lover to add dark rye flour to many of my bakes as well for the added flavor and texture.
hi Ian, haha.. they know i can bake for them!! cos can't find good tasty interesting sourdough bread in KL. it is a mutual exchange. for me to have a variety of flour to experiment and for them to judge!!
Hi Evon
Do you need to rehydrate the dry longan before add in to mix with the dough?
oh yes Annie, re-hydrate with some hot water. i added the liquid too into the dough.
Very nice loaves with beautiful crumb, Evon.
thank u Annie
Logan's at Lee Lee's Chinese and the Vietnamese Mekong Market s but so far no luck. Maybe I should ask someone there....Your bread looks grand as usual. The crust and crumb are beautiful. Once you go dark it is hard to get back to the light :-)
Bet you make a killer roti cane too !
Happy baking Evon and have fun with your rye.
hi dabrownman, i am disappointed as well knowing you can't get longan. working with rye flour is still new to me. have not mastered the feeling of the right dough texture with rye. what is the best hydration for rye dough at different % of rye flour used?
no, i am not a killer roti canai maker. cos it is all white! i might get my own combination of flour one day and try.
at the mean time i will focus on rye flour..
thanks for your ever positive and supportive words
Beautiful, As alaways, Evon!
thank you Khalid, i appreciate your support very much