Breakfast on bun day
These were very good buns. We didn’t make a poolish or a YW levain since we didn’t have time on our side. It was already 11 AM and no time to grind flour or an autolyse it either. We used 40 g of YW and a pinch of ADY for the leavens. This was an all AP bake so not very healthy. But brats, Italian sausage and Boudin aren’t all that healthy either.
We just mixed everything together, did 10 minutes of slap and folds and 3 sets of S& Fs on 45 minute intervals and then let the dough rest for 1 hour. We shaped the buns pulling them taut and let them proof for 3 hours on parchment paper, on the top portion of the mini’s vented broiler pan, on the counter.
We fired the mini oven up to 400 F convection and egg washed the buns. We baked them without steam for 4 minutes and turned the oven down to 375 F convection and baked the rolls another 4 minutes before spinning the pan 180 degrees and turning the oven down to 350 F convection.
The Last of Sylvia's inspired Key Lime Pie
After 8 more minutes the buns were done and we moved them to the cooling rack and brushed then with milk while still oven hot to keep the skins soft. They came out brown and blistered. So, blisters aren’t from a cold retard or mega steam or a combination of both - since there rolls didn’t have either. They were soft, moist and open on the inside.
We are getting close to a fine enriched bun recipe with this batch.
A magnificent sunset tonight
Leaven | Build 1 | % |
Pinch of ADY | 0 | 0.00% |
Yeast Water | 40 | 11.94% |
Total | 40 | 11.94% |
YW % of Total | 6.16% |
Dough Flour |
| % |
Durum | 110 | 32.84% |
AP | 225 | 67.16% |
Dough Flour | 335 | 100.00% |
Salt | 5 | 1.49% |
Milk | 166 | 49.55% |
Dough Hydration | 49.55% |
Total Flour | 335 | 100.00% |
Total Water and YW | 206 |
T. Dough Hydration | 61.49% |
Hydration w/ Adds | 77.18% |
Total Weight | 653 |
Add - Ins |
| % |
Butter | 24 | 7.16% |
Cream Cheese | 20 | 5.97% |
Olive Oil | 5 | 1.49% |
Egg | 53 | 15.82% |
Sugar | 5 | 1.49% |
Total | 107 | 31.94% |
- dabrownman's Blog
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perfect hot dog buns, nice golden brown!! pictures are perfect too! you made it so easy!! envy...
happy days
for good tasting 'hot dogs' around here, with all th fixings, so we have been working on a bun recipe and now we are close, Starting off a 400F convection with and egg wash makes for a golden crust. #50 F all the way though and they come out pale in the mini as it is off 25 F on the low side, Easy for buns is the way to go! Since no SD tang is required, YW is the way to go. Not enough time and you just throw in a pinch of yeast, Glad you liked the buns
Happy baking Evon.
Looking good DA....I could go for one of those brats right about now.
For a quick bread those look great.
when it comes to dogs and burgers and a bun that doesn't fall apart when grilled and eaten and doesn't go all mushy when steamed. I've got plenty of Italian sausage and brats but need to make some Boudin - my personal favorite ....and why we are out of them..
I see you posted a bun bake - will check it out next. Happy baking Ian
Hey dabrowny. Hot dog buns...didn't know you had it in ya! Im so used to seeing you do hearty, seed/grain packed breads...surprised you didn't add in some flax seeds or perhaps some brazil nuts in these buns! :)
Thanks a lot. Now I want about 6 hot dogs.
are still the Pink Valentine's Day ones that were 28% whole grain and made with beets here
They were terrific and Brazil nuts would have been a good addition no doubt! We love Andy's Brazil Nut amnd Prune bread!
Glad you liked the buns John and
Happy Baking
I was totally kidding about the Brazil Nuts...I was thinking it would be ludicrous to incorporate into a bread.....of course you figured a way to get them into bread!...oh man, that is classic.
Keep surprising me, I love it.
bread is one of our favorites - a top 5'er on our top 5 list that has 15 breads on it!
Enjoy John
Ahhh yes, I remember that one. The brazil nuts must have been in my subconsious.
My wife and I just had a good laugh about you finding a way to shove a rediculous nut into a bread and make it work!
Those look great! I can see hot pastrami melts inside those buns... they look marvelous! All the fixings and photos are great too...
Happy Hot Doggin'
my apprentice lost my NY pastrami cure recipe so I will use Eric Haner's recipe. It would be perfect for his Favorite Rye but these buns would hold their own with a little pastrami cheese melt with kosher pickles of course! These buns fit the various cylindrical shaped steaks well too.
I'm never buying buns again:-)
Happy baking
I thought at first that you were just using those buns to hold salad, but then I saw that hotdog peeking out. Looks like a wonderful meal. -Varda
the picture in the post of the sausages coming off the grill but have added it now. The salad is Chicago style pickled red onions and poblano peppers with garlic and smoked pepper spices. I always make twice as many as I need since when frozen and wrapped in plastic they come out of the freezer in the microwave so you get a steamed toasted bun the 2nd time - even better!
Happy baking Varda/
buns and brats. Getting big time hungry here. And that key lime pie............. :)
Sadly the pie is gone. But, we are putting the pickeled dog fixings in a bread today. No sense them being on top all the time when they can go in the middle. Might have to caramelize them though.
Happy baking
"Fleischsalat" - meat salad? It came to mind when you were looking to incorporate left-overs. You can cut up hot dogs, bratwurst, left over steak, hard salami, or whatever you have lying around. Mix with a bit of mustard, mayonnaise, some yoghurt, pickled dog fixings, capers, and some diced onions. Let it sit in the fridge for a few hours and pile it on your left over buns or rye bread, Very yummy. I usually add some walnuts and some grapes or tiny pieces of apple (as I do with chicken salad). But your imagination is the limit :)