I'm curious to know if anyone has ever used sparkling water or carbonated water as a substitute for bottled water when baking breads?
I"m guessing it will affect the recipe, but not sure in what way.
Is it even safe to do this? Its not going to explode in my oven when a bake bread using carbonated water, will it?
If anyone has ever tried this, could you please let me know what your results are? Thanks.
I've seen it being used in some pizza recipes but I think it's used more for the mineralization of the water itself, for the flavor, rather than the CO2 content. No worries, I guarantee it won't explode in your oven if you use it in a mix.
Beer is a common ingredient in bread recipes, both for the flavor and for the acidification of the dough (helps with gluten strength). I have not noticed any difference in the texture of the bread when using carbonated liquids, and I do use them regularly.
Try it - you may like it.
I would not expect the carbonation to last long in the dough. I would expect any excess to be gone by the time kneading is done. If there's any left, it'll just make the standard proofing overproofing -- remember, the yeast produces carbon dioxide as well, and that's what makes bread rise already.
Unless you are using something like naturally sparkling spring water for the minerals more tha the carbonation, or a beer for the acidity/flavor, or something like that, you'd probably be better of saving your money and using just plain water.
I've never used it myself, but have seen it recommended for use in G-F breads.
I agree with Blaisepascal - when you knead the dough the carbonation will vanish.
In my German pancake recipe sparkling water, together with beaten egg white, is used to leaven the batter - instead of baking powder. But the batter is not mixed very long and doesn't stand long around before baking.
lowering the pH when mixing the dough using mineral water would actually taste less sour. The bacteria might stay lethargic being happy with the low pH and not kick into high gear as with a sudden increase in pH when fresh food is introduced. Instead of producing acid themselves to lower pH, it is already done for them so the taste might be very different. Milder in my guess. Anyone up for an experiment?
Could be easily tested if you have a bottle that can carbonate your source water.