6/15 Bake

Profile picture for user Wingnut

Three loaves all 30% Whole Wheat, one with Walnuts and Rosemary, one with Sunflower Seeds, and one Plain. The crumb is great too.






your breaking to a tee!  Well done all the way around. The tick boldly baked crust with the open, soft crumb makes these loaves special.  Well done and ...

Happy Baking.

good this bread looks  - just peek at the last picture and see if you can find a better one published on TFL.  You won't!  This bread is what it is - terrific!

Nice baking


Okay you need to stop now dab I am bit frightful of too much public praise, HA.

Once again you are too too kind.



Nice loaves there Wingnut.  You got a nice colour on the crust and a crumb that makes me want to grab a slice.  I like the variety of flavours you pumped in as well.  Rosemary.  Yum.


These loaves look great. That red with the perfectly burnt ears. I particularly like the middle loaf in the picture with three loaves. Any other flours that added to that awesome red color?



My poolish was made with Organic Whole Wheat Flour and the rest of the flour is AP KAF.

Thanks for the kind words.



Very attractive loaves.. Beautiful scoring, crust and crumb and pictures!! Really gets my spirit up to bake when seeing such successful bake. Indeed very satisfying. Made me happy. Happy baking Evon