With our daughter coming home tonight we thought home made pizza was in order since she loves it more than taking final exams at college. We had built a YW levain for it on Monday and stuck it in the fridge to chill till this morning. To give it a boost we also made a 120 g, 100% hydration poolish this morning. Both were ready to go to work in 4 hours of warm up and ferment
This was an all white flour affair which we have not done in years. No autolyse, 10 minutes of slap and folds, 3 sets of SF’s 20 minutes apart where the minced; fresh rosemary, clove of garlic and sun dried tomato were incorporated on the first fold.
There was the 30 minutes of counter ferment and then into the fridge for 3 hours to develop. We took the dough out 2 hours before we formed it into 3 pizzas and one batch of Parmesan and Pecorino cheese, herb and Mojo de Ajo twisted bread sticks.
Docked and brushed with Mojo de Ajo before par baking
Pizza topping included hot Italian sausage, pepperoni, 3 fresh peppers; jalapeno, Hatch Green and red bell, 3 cheeses; Mozzarella, Pecorino and Parmesan, caramelized, mushrooms and onions with a garnish of green onion and fresh basil flowers.
We par baked the crust for 3 minutes at 500 F between 2 stones top and bottom and loaded the crust up and finished them off in another 5 minutes. The crust wa super thin and crisp – just the way we like it.
Very thin and crsip crust - no bending allowed even when piled high with toppings.
The bread sticks happened when we ran out of pizza toppings besides the cheeses. My daughter sliced the last already rolled out pizza crust into strips with the pizza cutter. She then brushed on the garlic infused olive oil, put the grated Parmesan and Pecorino cheese on and then the fresh basil flowers.
Pizza #2
She folded the strips in half to enclose the goodies and then twisted them to make them prettier than normal. Baked these at 400 F right on the stone and then dipped them I pizza sauce to really top them off – delicious.
Pizza #3 and some bread sticks.
My daughter said the crust was good but only middle of the road in all of our crust efforts over the years - likely due to not being retarded overnight. It was easily pliable yet strong enough to work with, easy to roll out very thin without tearing even one hole. All in all, a good treat on a Friday night.
And a salad.
Yeast Water and Poolish | Build 1 | Build 2 | Build 3 | Total | % |
Pinch of ADY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% |
Yeast Water | 50 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 8.20% |
AP | 110 | 50 | 50 | 210 | 0 |
Water | 60 | 50 | 30 | 140 | 0 |
Total | 170 | 100 | 80 | 400 | 19.71% |
Levain Totals |
| % |
Flour | 235 | 38.52% |
Water | 190 | 31.15% |
Hydration | 80.85% |
Levain % of Total | 36.39% |
Dough Flour |
| % |
AP | 375 | 61.48% |
Dough Flour | 375 | 61.48% |
Salt | 10 | 1.64% |
Water | 250 | 40.98% |
Dough Hydration | 66.67% |
Total Flour | 610 | 100.00% |
Water | 440 |
T. Dough Hydration | 72.13% |
Whole Grain % | 0% |
Hydration w/ Adds | 72.18% |
Total Weight | 1,100 |
Add - Ins |
| % |
Olive Oil | 15 | 2.46% |
Honey | 15 | 2.46% |
VW Gluten | 10 | 1.64% |
Total | 40 | 6.56% |
I T of chopped fresh rosemary, 1 clove of minced garlic and 2 T of |
| |||
sun dried tomato was the fold in at the first S&F. |
- dabrownman's Blog
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I keep up with all your posts! I'm sure an overnight sleep in the refrigerator would have helped the flavor but none the less awesome looking pizza. Will have to try this formula soon.
over pizza dough so the bread sticks were a different treat for a change - very tasty and when dipped in pizza sauce even better.
This crust is not one of our favorites even if it has the garlic, rosemary and sun dried tomato we like. The girls like the 12 hour poolish and the 12 hour retard one and I like the retarded SD with 25% whole grain one. No home made sausage this time either. Still better than anything you can take out or have delivered. This one looked better than it actually was sort of like that SFSD bread I got at Sprouts :-) Half was left over says it all!
Happy baking Ian
came home after a good 90 mins teaching indoor spin class and a couple hours of pilates classes i always keep my belly to get back home to make my own lunch with toasted sourdough bread n my favorite toppings and lots of greens. with an empty stomach i switch on the my PC, eager to see what is new in this site.. looking at the picture browser, how could i resist not to stare at that bright red tomato base pizza!! no.. stop myself from clicking to the post. had a shower, tidy up my kitchen made my lunch.
ah... filled my belly. and i am ready to see this wonderful post of flavored crusty crust (ingenious) pizza with beautiful cheesy toppings.. pecorino n Parmesan my all time favorite :) what a Friday night for you n your family, how many of you all together enjoying 3 whole pizza!!
a very happy n proud father with good food and family.. what more could you ask for on a Friday night, TGIF!!
this pizza would pack on those lost pounds no problem. Pizza is one of the 8 basic food groups and people would die without it:-) Like hamburgers, we have it no more than 1 time a month and rarely in the summer. It is comfort food for sure and my daughter loves to make it to share it with her friends who can smell it from miles away! There were only 3 of us this time but have of the pizza was left over for round two sometime for lunch!
Happy baking Evon!
to get invited to one of these pizza parties of yours? Just want to know. -Varda
Varda. We invite the world and only part of it shows up! You are invited any time.
Happy Baking
night and still have left overs of pizza 1&2 but 3 is gone. Finished off the pizza sauce with the bread sticks though. Toasted the left overs in the mini oven and they might have been better thant he original:-)
Happy baking Khalid
The colours will satiate half the appetite. The sticks are another tasty bites. Your daughter must be glad to be back home.
work but not looking forward to further required studies over several years. She is taking some time off from school and is probably worried my apprentices cooking will put the pounds on her frame somewhere while living at home :-) Loved the sticks and the pizza wasn't bad either, Glad you liked it .
Happy baking Alpana