Two artisan baking short courses in Portland, Oregon this summer

Profile picture for user Floydm

I received a press release from the Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, Oregon announcing that they are hosting two short courses there this summer.

The first course is on Artisan Bread Baking and runs from June 17-21, 2013.

The course schedule looks pretty interesting, and while I don't know Dr. Gary Hou, I do know Tim Healea, who is running one of the days' sessions. Tim was on the team that won the silver medal in the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie in 2002. He now runs Little T American Baker, one of the best bakeries in Portland.

Here is a nice little video they put together to promote the class:

The second course on Whole Grain Products runs from August 5-9, 2013.

Registration and pricing info for these courses is on the WMC website.

If anyone from here goes, be sure to let us know how it is.


Profile picture for user PDLarry

Looks like each course is 5 days long? and $1,200 per person... shoo...

Yeah, I think that is right.  Slightly more expensive than a week at SFBI, but if you live in Portland (or know someone there you can crash with) and can save the cost of a hotel, it isn't too bad.