This site is wa-ay too popular. When checking for recent posts, for example, a moment ago, I find that the result page returns only the last 3 hours worth of posts. The default 25 entries is too few for this busy site and my forum habits.
Is there a button that I missed that will let me configure my preferences? I'd really prefer to set the number of search returns to a (much) larger figure. If I didn't miss the button because it's not there, may we have such a feature?
If you click the more link at the bottom of the recent posts, you'll get a dedicated page that'll let you go back as far as you'd like:
Comments are available that way too:
[quote]If you click the more link at the bottom of the recent posts, you'll get a dedicated page that'll let you go back as far as you'd like:[/quote]Are you referring to the page buttons? I don't see a "more" button.
What I'm requesting is the ability to configure the "recent content" pages' number of entries. For example, rather than the default 25 entries per page, I'd like to have, say, 50, or 75 entries per page; a large enough number to see the day's entries without loading new pages. The number should be individually configurable. I've done it, but with purpose built queries, not a general purpose cms. It may not be a simple thing in Drupal's world. :shrug:
You are talking about the activity tracker? I have pretty much no control over that.
The links I was talking about are on the homepage at the bottom of the boxes "Recent Posts" and "Recent Comments" boxes. The pages those jump to each default to 100 posts.
[quote]You are talking about the activity tracker? I have pretty much no control over that.[/quote]Yes, sorry if I wasn't clear. I seldom have reason to view the home page, so didn't realize what you were describing. Those do not give me the overview that the tracker/recent content pages do.
I am surprised that your control over tracker is restricted. I don't work with general purpose cms, so what I do know may not be so. :(
Ah, well,