Whole wheat

Profile picture for user barriehiebread

Thank you!  My poolish is 200% hydration and I wanted a 75% hydration on the dough so:

9 oz poolish = 6 oz water and 3 oz flour, KAF Whole Wheat

I wanted a total flour weight of 12 oz so I had to add 9 oz flour and 2 oz water to the poolish to get 75% hydration.  I let that autolyse for 30 minutes before mixing, KA stand mixer.  Mixed on 2 for 5 minutes and rest 10 then mix on 2 for 6 more.  I split the dough and let proof for 2 hours before baking.  Baking was oven set at 425 *F for 15 minutes and then down to 375 *F for 20 minutes.  When the oven came to initial temp I throw in a cup or so of water and shut the door and let it come back to temp.  Also I let the poolish sit out for an hour after taking it from the frig. before I started cutting it into the added flour and water.

hth!  Barrie

Edit: I proof them on the small toaster oven set at 150 *F; kitchen temp stays at 74 *F.  Proofing without setting them on a warm box could affect the time it takes before they're ready to bake.