A Big Miche - picture of flour added

Profile picture for user Juergen Krauss

To David Snyder. 

Thank you for encouraging me to go BIG.

This is the biggest single loaf I ever made, and it is as big as my oven can handle.

Hamelmans Miche Pointe-A-Caillere, made with Bacheldre ... Unbleached White flour.

** Added: a picture of the flour I used, at the end of the post **

Dough weight: 2300g

Baked weight: 1935g

Diameter: 32cm

Height: 9.5cm




Here the picture of three flours:

Left is Waitrose organic stoneground white bread flour

Middle is Bacheldre Organic Stoneground Unbleached White, this is the one I used for the miche above

Right is Shipton Mill Organic Stoneground Wholegrain Wheat

Juergen, I don't think I'd call that a big miche.   More like a huge miche.   Very beautiful.   And as I said to Khalid it hurts my brain to have two point a calliere miches back to back in the TFL blog.    Something must be sweeping the planet.   -Varda

it a Monster Miche!  Yours ended up a lot darker than Khald's and a little less open so I'm guessing you must have used the 12% white flour and 88% WW version that Hamelman recommends as the sub for high extraction WW?  It is quite an achievement - possibly a huge one :-)  Very nice baking Juergen.

Hi brownman, 

I used only a single flour, not a mixture. I suppose it is 85% extraction, I will get in touch with the miller after Easter to find out.

Thank you for your comments,



Looks like you son will be eating this for a loooong time :-)

Amazing and now, especially since Khalid just posted his miche, I will have to take a look at the formula and see what I come up with.  I do know if I get one done and it 'works' there is a knitting shop near by that would be delighted to have a bit - a large bit - so I will have to make some cheese to go with it.....projects :-)

By the way, yours looks wonderful.

Thanks so much for the post!


This bread turned my son's favourite and is now the measure of all food things.

That's what I am getting myself into;-)

I cut the loaf into quarters. One for us, one for friends, one for a colleague at work, and the forth one I cut into cubes and left in the company kitchen to try

(Last Thursday one of my "customers left the company, I made him a 1Kg miche for that dau, our CEO saw the bread and said during the goodbye speech something like "And now D***** will share with us Juergen's lovely bread". The pressure was kind-of on ...)


Yours is more authentic than mine, Juergen, and one beautiful example of a true Miche. Mine is a refined version of Hamelman's Miche, but i loved it.

Beautiful one, enjoy it while it lasts Juergen.

I can tell it is amazing. 

I had a few very bad failures with miche formulas and now I got this flour, and a bit of skill I might have picked up along the way.

These are really my very first successful attempts at this kind of bread, and they are delicious.

I have some ideas about refinement, mainly to adopt the flour combination mentiuoned in various Gerard Rubaud posts.

But in combination with my dark flour (I still have about 20Kg of it ...)

Tank you for your comment,


Gives credence to the phrase GO BIG or GO HOME.....curious as to what a comparable USA flour would be to  Bacheldre Organic Stoneground?

and reminds me of the wood fired oven baked loaves I bought in Germany (a quarter only, of course). I never tried such a large one.

Gruss aus New Orleans  (z. Zt)
