orange carrot yeast water whole wheat sourdough ..

Profile picture for user evonlim

weekend baking is always for friends. my friends have no preference, so it allows me to experiment and practice... !!


getting confident with my hands :)

i am making bread now as well for Sunday's friends. more practice


here is the crumb shot.. added cranberry for color contrast.

one more picture :)




Those look beautiful.  I love your scoring.  So was the yeast water made with carrots or did you add carrots to the dough?

i added orange peel and carrot juice to YW.. let it ferment for 2 days.  i did add grated carrots to the dough as well. yes, myscoring improved! :) tight shaping helped to get a clean score.


Great looking bread. How about a picture of the crumb?



Do you share recipes. I would love to try your recipe for the orange carrot yeast water whole wheat sourdough boule.