Hi, I live in New York City and have been searching for months for somewhere I can find whole rye flour. I can find white rye, but no dark, whole rye flour like pumpernickel. And forget about whole rye berries or cracked rye. Anyway, does anyone know where to find the stuff?
Bob's Red Mill has a whole grain organic rye that they call a dark but which is more finely milled than some other millers' dark rye, and also a pumpernickel meal that I think is close to what is called pumpernickel in Germany. Their store finder shows 10 stores that carry BRM in Manhatten and I would assume many more in the outer areas.
King Arthur's pumpernickel flour is a flour, not a meal, but it is 2 or 3 steps coarser than BRM's dark flour. I have never seen it in grocery stores in the Midwest but hey, you live in NYC so perhaps someone there has it? Otherwise time for a fall drive to Vermont...
My spouse just bought a 5# bag of Hodgson Mill rye which is a coarse flour similar to KA's pumpernickel. I have only done a few loaves with it but it seems to be working well and unlike the KA flour is not listed as nut contaminated. Hodgson Mill is common in midwestern grocery stores but I am not sure about the east coast. HM's store finder is here, but it asks for a lot of information.
Unbelievable! What is it about cities? And it's not as if there isn't a call for rye flour in a city like New York!
I had a similar problem in Toronto. I finally found dark rye flour in our local Health Food Store but it was rather overpriced. I wonder if "Whole Foods" might carry it? (no doubt overpriced there as well) It looks like there are at least 3 Whole Foods stores in Manhattan.
I finally found it here in Toronto at a supermarket chain called Sobeys. I paid Cdn$5.60 for a 2.5kg bag of dark rye flour (Five Roses) Personally, I cannot stand the Sobeys chain - they generally overcharge disgracefully ($5/lb for butter… fully a dollar more than we pay at 'no frills' supermarket down the street).
It is apparently also available at St.Lawrence Market (Rube's) for anyone looking for dark rye flour in the Toronto area. Rube's probably sells rye berries and cracked rye as well.
I asked a friend who lives in NYC (Brooklyn that is - never imply to a Brooklynite that he/she is from "New York") and is an accomplished cook where rye flour might be found and received this response:
Gordy Howard Bakery Supplies
871 Shepherd Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11208-5227
Phone: (718) 927-9511
David Rosen Bakery Supply
350 Meserole St
Brooklyn, NY 11206-1733
Phone: (718) 381-0600
these are pro suppliers i used them for years as well as
otto brem yonkers
and sidco on webster ave
they will have what you want but be ready to buy a 50 or 100 pound bag since thats how the bakeries buy them
in dec for my cookies and baking in the house family and friends i got a 11 pound bar on dark and a 11 lb bar of white choc cotting as well as a 50 lb bag of all trumps hi gluten flour (a glod medel product)
and other hard to find in stores things but like i said earlyer be ready to buy by the case bag or pail and bags are 50-100 lbs pails are 48 lb pluse and cases are 6 # 10 cans.
retired and loving it
ex baker -production manager
I only thought we had that problem down here in the South.
hi [url=http://www.thefreshloaf.com/user/strattor]strattor[/url]
I live in Manhattan. If you have rye berries (whole grain), I would be happy to mill some flour for you from it. I have a Nutrimill, which will produce a fine rye flour and a Kitchen Aid grain mill, which could be adjusted to produce a coarser rye flour.
If you need a NYC source for organic rye berries, I buy mine at the organic section (upstairs) at Fairway Market at 2127 Broadway (between 74th & 75th) in Manhattan. I do notice that there is a Fairway in Red Hook but don't know if they carry whole grains. However, here's a link to the [url=http://www.fairwaymarket.com/index.cfm?Area=Locations][u]Fairway online store locator[/u][/url] so you can check out the Red Hook store if you're not already familiar with it.
Just to be clear, goes without saying I wouldn't charge you for doing this.
If you're interested, reply to this thread with your email address. We can coordinate further via email.
Thanks so much everyone for your help! I am so grateful for all those suggestions, sphealy, and your kind offer, persona. I actually work (at a bakery) a block or two from the Fairway on Broadway. I didn't know there was an upstairs though! I'll have to check it out. I'll also hunt around a bit at some of those store suggestions for rye flour, and if I still have no luck, I may take you up on your offer to mill some for me.
Thanks again!
That adjective FREE probably got your attention. Here's the skinny...
If you purchase organic rye grain, I will be happy to mill it for you (if you're a registered TFL member) at no cost.
I live in NYC. I own a Nutrimill grain mill. I will be happy to mill up to 5 lbs of your grain if you are willing to make an appointment to come to my building. The grain must be clean (and I will check it prior to milling).
The flour produced by the Nutrimill is fine and will be 100% rye flour.
I made this offer before in this thread but had no takers. I am posting again because of the renewed interest.
If you are interested, send me a PM (personal message) WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. We can coordinate from there.
=== PS === My offer also applies to organic hard wheat grain.