Bread shapes



 Just bought the book "Flour Water Salt Yeast" by Ken forkish. After seeing the picture of the boule on the cover how could you NOT buy it?

Am itching to get started but will have to wait until this weekend which gives me time to find out about bread shapes.

My wife who loves real bread (as I do) has pointed out that the boule shape isn't the greatest when it comes to making sandwiches so was wondering if the collective wisdom here knows of a way to adapt Ken Forkish's process to get a more traditional shaped loaf? A scout of Amazon and my ususal kitchen suppliers hasn't thrown up any suitable ironware.

Oxford, England

And use a couche for the proofing stage (I use ridged placemats as a makeshift couche). You'll find a lot of suggestions for the batard (torpedo) shape, which is a lot more practical for normal sized sandwiches.


Now Mini,

You know that was cruel and unusual punishment! Now I must make myself a sandwich. Dawg gone your bad self!

I guess it comes down to any shape that you choose will make a good sandwich.  (crumb is a different discussion)  If you chose a big shape, cut it to fit.  

A long shape would make more uniform slices but round can also be managed, rolls have more crust.  There is always a way to make most things work.  I have a soft spot for pretzel sandwiches but that might have to do with the fact that I'm a crust lover.