Hi all.
My name is Max and I'm an amateur bread maker.
I am absolutely thrilled to learn about this site (which I stumbled upon while looking for a recipe for making semolina bread, more on that later). I am a computer geek, and really love the open source community way of doing things. So when I came across this here open source bread community, I was overjoyed. I immediately read all FAQs, Lessons and other tips I could find (I had a busy morning) and have now joined to become part of the community.
I started baking bread rather recently, and it turns out that I instinctively knew a few things that were explained here (more water means stickier dough means nicer crumb), and didn't know several other things that I wish I had known (oven temperatures, steam, working properly with yeast...). :|
When I couldn't find a good recipe online for something I wanted to make, I made one up. Some worked well (onion bread) some not so well (cheese bread). I will share some of that, and am really eager to see what other people have to share.
Good to hear from you. Sounds like you are well on your way to some creative bread baking.
I hope you post some pics of your latest attemps--both successes and even failures. I love to read about everybody's ideas and creations too.
Welcome aboard. You might get some info about chewy crusts from my recent post update about over baking sourdough.
I found that I was over baking my loaves when trying to achieve that dark bold bake crust.