Hi, we want to start doing some cookies and biscuits in our deck oven, is there any advice for oven settings in regards to temp and top and bottom heat settings? Should I bake cooler than in a convection oven?
Keep the temperature in the deck oven relatively high if you can [180*C], and top heat should be above 6/60%. But watch the bottom heat; keep it low, or consider use of diffusing wires, or, double-tray your products.
You do not need to use steam, nor open the dampers at any stage.
Hi Liverpoolbaker,
Keep the temperature in the deck oven relatively high if you can [180*C], and top heat should be above 6/60%. But watch the bottom heat; keep it low, or consider use of diffusing wires, or, double-tray your products.
You do not need to use steam, nor open the dampers at any stage.
Best wishes
Andy is right. Keep temp as you would normally. Turn 'em half way through and double pan for sure.
Cooking time will likely be shorter so keep an eye on them until you get the hang of it.