My first baguette! I baked this yesterday afternoon. I used the poolish recipe from the new book by Ken Forkish (which I love incidentally), did the final mix on Thursday morning and baked a delicious loaf that afternoon for Thanksgiving dinner. That was a typical boule, baked in a Dutch oven. However, I had made a full KF batch, two large loaves, so I had a half batch of dough left over to refrigerate for later use. I had planned on using it for pizza dough but yesterday I decided to use half of it in an attempt to bake a baguette. I used instructions from a Peter Reinhart book to shape the baguette and to steam it (using water in a pre-heated cast iron skillet at the bottom of the oven). It turned out far better than expected -- beautiful and delicious to boot! I narrowly averted disaster however.... I had forgotten to worry about the size of my baking stone! Which, it turns out, is 22 inches on the diagonal and my baguette was just a tad longer than that... which caused it to droop over the edge and be somewhat misshapen on one end (somewhat visible on the left hand side in these photos). I will have to remember to limit myself to 20 inch baguettes in the future.
Nice baggie! Beautiful scoring and bloom. Isn't it great to find a dough to multi-task as well the baker ?
Happy baking!
I really want to try Baguettes. Yours looks amazing!
Just ran across this post. Lovely first attempt! I received my new linen couche and flipping board today and I have made Peter Reinhart's Pâté Fermente in anticipation of making his French Bread recipe tomorrow. I have a new lame' and am really excited to give it a go. Hope I get nice results too. I'll measure my stone and try to keep it from falling over the edge.
And good luck!
But forgot to note that my old stone was round, great for pizzas, and only allowed 16" baguette lengths and I always had 'drooping noses' at "both ends. No worry -they tasted great. My new stone is rectangular and is also 22", like yours, so I can expect to have only one drooping nose from now on :-)
Happy baking
That looks great; even more so for a 1st try. Well done!
In the interest of full disclosure I have been baking for about 5 years, almost entirely Lahey style Dutch oven loaves and pizza. This was indeed my first baguette. I have made quite a few since.. some very successful and some less so. Consistency still eludes me somewhat...