Bread Stencilling with cocoa powder like Hitz

Profile picture for user hungryscholar

Visiting the arts & crafts store with my wife and daughter I picked up a stencil and on the second try got a design that I was quite happy with.:


The Ciril Hitz video that gave me the idea and illustrates the method is here: I spritzed the dough with water before stencilling and I think that helped, but I still found myself hold the stencil in place with one hand.


The stencil you picked out made a pretty loaf of bread :^)
I've seen that video and found it quite helpful. 
You might like this post on stencilling - here is the link in case you have not seen it:

Happy baking (and stencilling),
:^) breadsong

Thanks! I hadn't seen that post and I'm intrigued by the idea of raising dough with fermented apples. I really need to check out Ortiz, seems like there's a lot of interesting stuff in his book.