my first bake after a short break from CNY

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went back hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year with my parents and brothers. it was a long drive because of the heavy traffic. the journey took 7 hours instead of 3 .  i was really looking forward for mom's cooking!!

new year's eve dinner

... of course we started a.. 

Prosperity Toss, also known as lo hei (Cantonese for 撈起 or 捞起). It usually consists of strips of raw fish, mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients. Yusheng literally means "raw fish" but since "fish (鱼)" is commonly conflated with its homophone "abundance (余)", Yúshēng (鱼生) is interpreted as a homophone for Yúshēng (余升) meaning an increase in abundance. Therefore, yusheng is considered a symbol of abundance, prosperity and vigor.

the dishes:

butter prawns :P

hainanese steam chicken.. 


sweet n sour pork ribs..


my all time favorite soup, salted mustard green duck soup!!

this is my nephew, Christopher ( r u ready for PSY??) he loves gangnam song :)


and niece, Le Ann


1 st day new year's lunch

fried yellow noodles .. ( mom had to fried 3 portion of this, everyone was having second helping!)



left my starter for 4 days. refreshed it for 2 days before i bake.

this is a wholewheat with polenta, sunflower seeds and green olives sourdough bread

 (Formula adapted from Tartine) used a rye starter and white starter

the crumb shots... and yes it smells great and tasted delicous



 i had a short and sweet Chinese New Year celebration. started work 2 days ago. my brothers are still back at homtown!!

Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrates, Gong Xi Fatt Chai




You didn't get much time at home but you got back to baking as a not too bad consolation prize.  The bread came out well and it has to taste terrific with the rye and olives.  Just picture perfect inside and out.  Love the boldly baked crust and open crumb.

Happy baking

it is ok, cos my parents travel down to Kuala Lumpur quite often as well. mom is the one missing me cos i am her assistant cook! hehe

she loves my bread. i baked for her when i went back. this is the crumb shot.

her favorite dry fruit, cranberries.. in wholewheat sesame seeds :) 

The food looks delicious.  I so miss authentic Chinese food!  (Grew up in San Francisco so I took it all for granted and then I moved to Colorado....just not the same at all :-(

Cute neice and nephew too and lovely loaf of bread!

Happy New Year and thanks for sharing.


Happy New Year of the Snake!

Your feast including your bread looks amazing.  I just got back from my latest trip to China for business on January 20th, so now I feel like I never left :).

Thanks for sharing your feast with us.


looking loaf.  You are a talented baker and I hope you keep posting more of your great looking breads.  Your mom has a fine assistant!

 Happy New Year.

i must thank all of you being active, generous, passionate baker blogger's sharing all of your ideas and skills. i am telanted baker today because of all of you! and especially Floydm :) 
