Can someone help me real quick, about grams?


287.8 g All-purpose Flour (100%)

0.518 g Active Dry Yeast (0.18%)

215.8 g Water (75%)

5.18 g Salt (1.8% )

1.5 g Dried herbs (0.52% )


I'm making this...but I don't get it?  .518 g of yeast?  

My scale doesn't have a "."

Or...what am I doing wrong?  518 sounds like a lot of yeast?


I know there probably is a simple answer and i'm going to feel really dumb asking! ;)


Thanks for the help!


This appears to be a problem with scaling down a recipe.  By the looks of your formula, an original recipe was multiplied by some factor (ie. .25 to make a quarter of the orginal recipe) and thus these strange weights.  My kitchen scale goes to one decimal point but I don't really think it is that accurate.  If you really need that fine of weight you'll need a better scale, or weigh out 1 gram of yeast and cut it in half by eye.  

from eyeballing it (or a pinch less.)  Darn, that won't work, I'm using instant yeast.   Sorry.  

Edit:  But I think  Active dry is heavier (so that would mean use less) however in converting to Active dry, one needs more yeast so I would use the 1/4 teaspoon.    

You need to measure things accurately when baking but not that accurately.  If you weighed .5 grams or .518 grams or .6 grams the end result would not be greatly different.


The recipe's procedures should give you a hint. What fermentation times and temps does it call for? If it calls for 1 to 3 hours at room temp or a little higher, I'd suspect that the decimal point is off by one place and you need 5.18g (about a scant 1½ tsp). Else, if the recipe says to ferment for, say, 8 to 12 hrs or more, .518g may be the amount (about a rounded ⅛ tsp or a scant ¼ tsp).



Here is where I found it.  I only have Instant Y also, I didn't even realize it was Active Dry she was calling for?  I didn't think there was a difference?  Ahhh, well, I didn't do it cause I couldn't figure it out.  But I think I should copy paste all the math you guys did for me and print it out so I can know how to do it next time!


Thanks so much for all your help, I so appreciate all of you guys!! :)

Makes 2 Baguettes Formula

287.8 g All-purpose Flour (100%)

0.518 g Active Dry Yeast (0.18%)

215.8 g Water (75%)

5.18 g Salt (1.8% )

1.5 g Dried herbs (0.52% )


Directions In a small bowl, weigh out Active dry Yeast. Add 7 g Water (warm) out of 215.8g and stir until the yeast has dissolved. Set aside. In another bowl, mix flour and rest of water roughly, cover it with plastic and Autolyse for 30 minutes. Add yeast mixture and mix by folding dough in the bowl. Slap & Fold for 3 - 4 minutes → 1 minute. Add salt and Slap & Fold for 2 minutes → 1 minute or until the dough becomes a rough ball. Let it rest for 20 minutes → 30 minutes. 1 set Stretch & Fold (1 set = right over left, left over right, bottom over top, top over bottom) Let it rest for 20 minutes → 30 minutes. 1 set Stretch & Fold Let it rest for 20 minutes → 30 minutes. 1 set Stretch & Fold At a cooler place, let it rise until the dough just starts showing the yeast activity. It took 7 hours this time. (The original recipe says you can put the dough in the fridge at this stage.) Put it in the fridge overnight. In this case, 12 hours. Pull it out of the fridge and leave it out for 1 hour. Divide into 2 equal parts and preshape the dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Shape into baguettes (This video is very informative!) and place onto a floured couche, seam-side up. Preheat the oven to 500°F Final fermentation 1 hour 35°C / 95°F Score the top of the baguettes using a lame or a sharp, serrated knife. Place the bread in the preheated oven, pour the water onto the brick blocks and shut the oven door immediately. Turn down the oven to 480°F, bake the bread around 20 minutes. Let them cool onto a rack. Ready to eat!

Start from a well-known reference point---a "packet" of yeast is 1/4 oz, and measures 2 1/4 tsp.Converting 1/4 ounce to grams and dividing by 2.25 teaspoons gives you 3.1 grams per teaspoon.Divide .518 g by 3.1 g/tsp and you get .167 tsp (a little more than 1/8 tsp)Gary makes a good point about confirming the decimal point---if it's 5.18 g then you'll get 1.67 or 1 2/3 tsp

For 288g of flour with a bulk ferment of 60 to 90 minutes, would be 1.3g of IDY or 1/2 tsp.


This is a table I made up when I was going through my wholesale labeling process.  Everything was measured by me, so you will of course see variations if you compare the weights to someone else's tables.  Hopefully the math is correct or one of those engineer types here will let me know that it's not...:)

Using the table you would see that yeast (instant in this case) is 3g/tsp, so .5g would be about 1/6 tsp or part way between 1/4 and 1/8 of a tsp.



Thanks so much Mark, you're the BESTEST! :)

You moved?  You're opening a new bakery?!!!  Sweet!!

So, do you still like being a baker?  I know, I know, it must be in your blood! ;)

I love all your videos and all the stuff you contribute here!  Your shaping videos have helped me a lot!

Best of success to you and your new venture, I am SURE it's going to do awesome!!

Thanks again for the chart!  That is way super cool! :)  I will totally use it! :)


...You are VERY enthusiastic!
Yes, moved and a new bakery.  Next Monday I'll be picking up my new concession trailer (YIPPEE!) so I'll be back in the biz.  Yes, baking is my thing and I think it probably is in my blood at this point.  I'm very glad that the videos have helped you out and thanks for the compliments, well wishes, smiley faces, winks, and exclamation points!!!  :)


Like the sweet new logo too!  Pretty tight!

A concession trailer?  What are you going to do with that?  Well, I guess it would be so nice to just drive it around and have it all loaded and not have to do the whole...unloading thing, like for a Farmers Market.  Good idea!

That is great your starting a new place, I'm sure everyone is going to miss you so much up there! :(

Someday, hopefully if you're not too famous, I still want to come and intern!  I need to have a million things to shape so I can get better! ;)  Haaaa, not like you'd be wanting me to practice on "your" stuff!!! ;)  But hey, I'm a fast learner and pretty OCD when it comes to bread! ;)

Well, my friend can't wait to see the new site and stuff when you get it going! :)


i think it would be easier to memorize the recipe if you scaled it down to 500 g. You dont have to measure 0,5 grams of dried yeast. I always use 2 % Salt in my baguette, that is also easier to memorise for me.

500 g flour

375 water

10 g salt

2,5 g dried herbs

a tiny little pinch of instant yeast


Guys, just had to come back and say thanks!

Thank you for all the great ideas, and the conversions!  Especially for the mathmatically challenged! ;)  Haha!!

I actually might give that bread a try now!

I appreciate all the tips!! :)
