Shrove Tuesday...aka Pancake Day

Profile picture for user trailrunner

My husband and I grew up in New Orleans. It is a tradition to use up the rich fat foods on this day, the day before Lent begins. Buttermilk pancakes were the order of the morning. We have a vintage griddle from early in our marriage...42 years this past Friday. Husband made his wonderful buttermilk pancakes. I sliced the berries and my best friend had sent me 2 jars of his homemade maple syrup from his trees in Wisconsin. What a great way to start the day and to savor our rich lives. c

Profile picture for user dabrownman

scrumptious breakfast!  Berries, pancakes, maple syrup and coffee is one of the best breakfasts.  Tell hubby is pancakes look great.  We had French toast (pistachio fig bread) with maple syrup, berries in home made yogurt and coffee.   It was 38 F this morning in AZ , very cold and a warm breakfast is a treat.  Sounds like your daughter is going to be a globe trekker :-)  Congrats on your 43nd anniversary.

Odd how a rich life has nothing to do with money isn't it?  Happy baking and frying ......

We love pancakes - especially with fresh fruit and REAL maple syrup!  A great way to start any day!  The picture reminded me that I have a griddle just on the other side of my waffle iron.  Don't know why I keep forgetting that fact. 

Have a great day - it sure started off wonderfully well.


da...your breakfast sounds yum too !  I love pistachios and figs. I just bought 2 fig trees and am going to try them in pots on my patio. I am space challenged and love figs !!  What else can I do ???  Sweet gal that she is ....she loves to travel . Will be going about 1x a month. Her territory will be CA and she lives in Atlanta so yes she will be getting miles for sure. Fun to be young and gaining new experiences.  It is 42 years...but as you say we are starting #43 :)  Our lives are so is nice to stop and remember just how much we have together and it has nothing to do with dollars and cents for sure. Thank you for posting such a nice note. c

Linda..yes ours flips to the waffle side  and we forget to make pancakes !!  Please post pics of your pancakes too . c

Those are some great looking hearty looking pancakes.  Nothing goes better than some fresh real maple syrup.

Thanks for sharing.