ISO Bread-Crumb Cake recipe

Profile picture for user Windischgirl

I am looking for a cake recipe that uses bread crumbs instead of flour as the "carb" component...I currently have an excess of bread crumbs, only they are from a sweet bread (so much for breading schnitzels!).

About 5 years ago I stayed at the Schweizerhof Hotel in Lucerne, Switzerland--it was a business trip so it was someone else's nickel!  The treat waiting for us in the room was such a cake; according to the hotel's history, it was developed during wartime when flour was rationed and thrifty cooks recycled everything.  It was simple but tasty, the light texture similar to that of a cake using ground nuts instead of flour.  Of course, do you think I can find that little brochure and recipe now?

So if anyone has such a recipe--I know getting my hands on the original Schweizerhof recipe is nearly an impossibility--please do share.  I believe the key components were eggs, sugar, maybe a pinch of cinnamon, and toasted breadcrumbs.  The leavening came from egg whites beaten to stiffness.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

To narrow down your search read this link first look for Swiss Roll Cake.  I believe you will find a recipe under that kind of title.  The cake was then layered instead of rolled.  Sponge or Torte (<which says more about the shape than what is in it. Traditionally a torte is round so that would mean looking up net search using: nut eggwhite torte breadcrumbs  (the recipes look very good)

Do check with Stan and Inside the Jewish Bakery cookbook.  There may be a few recipes in there.  If you are substituting bread crumbs for cake crumbs there are considerations so I would use the site search machine for   substituting bread crumbs for cake crumbs   and see what pops up.  I do know of heavier recipes using a variety of bread and cake crumbs, a bit of rum and pink frosting.  (known as  Punschkrapfen)  

Add nuts that are grated not ground for lighter crumb.

I do have one recipe with me that is a basic:  Might work well with your sweet crumbs...  You can add zest or spices or whatever you like to it.


  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 100g Sugar
  • 120g grated Nuts (mixture of nuts and crumbs)
  • 1 Tbs Flour
  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 2 Tbs Sugar

Beat yolks with sugar until fluffy.  Mix flour and nuts (and any spices) and set aside while 

beating egg whites stiff with salt and then beat in the sugar.  Fold everything alternately into egg yolk mixture.  Line jelly roll pan with parchment.  Spread mixture at least 1 cm high.  Bake about 15 min in at 200°C  If you roll up the baked cake, trim the side edges first and roll up hot with the paper and cool on a rack.

Fill with whipped cream flavored with vanilla sugar.  

A second recipe (flip side) is for a round 18cm spring form pan, using same recipe only increase eggs to 7 (separate) and nuts to 160g, 60g of sugar gets added to stiff egg whites.  Grease and crumb the pan.  Bake 175°C 1 hour.   Cut off the top of cooled cake, set aside and hollow out the rest of the cake.  Mix crumbs with 2 tbs of rum, 200g cream, current jam (any tart jam will do) and stuff mixture into cake.  Replace lid using jam for glue and lightly seal the top of the cake with jam. Cover the top of cake with whipped cream and decorate with nut meats, grated chocolate, etc. or not at all.



Haven't had a chance to try these suggestions, yet, but they did remind me of a cake recipe from my mother, in which the flour is substituted with ground walnuts and a bar of baker's chocolate, ground.  Yum.  Maybe this weekend?