Another Run at San Francisco Sourdough


Today, I made another run at David Snyder's San Francisco Sourdough.  Gosh, I love that bread  and it just gets tastier the longer it sits (although it doesn't sit too long).  I made two loaves today in order to bring one to share with my quilt group.  The ladies have commented on the bread I've been having with my lunch, so I thought that might be a broad hint to share a loaf or two.  We'll see how it goes over - if they enjoy it as much as we do at home there won't be much left.  Two large boules -

My quilting group really loved the SF sourdough.  Luckily I just brought them one loaf or they both would have been gone!  The epi baguette was demolished as well.  Those little ol' ladies can eat!


if the nice ladies in your quilting group didn't like that bread then I would ..... I don't know what I would do but, the nice quilters wouldn't have liked it.  Maybe I would have started a crazy quilt square in the middle of what ever was going on :-)  Isn't that bread just great!  I put more whole grains in the formula but luckily it doesn't know the difference.

Nice baking Linda!


The SF SD is certainly one of our favorite 'soup breads'(bread to eat with a bowl of soup for lunch), and also toasts well.  We are enjoying it often.  Thank you for posting the formula in its various iterations on this site (I've been using Take 4). 



Next time I'll have to use more whole wheat and maybe a little more rye, that should pump up the flavor even more. 

The best compliment I got was from one of the women in the group who is originally from Germany, she said it reminded her of the bread they called 'gray bread' in German.  She hadn't had that bread in a very long time (50 years or so). 

Another lady said 'You could sell this, you know'.
