Hello from Chicago


Hello fellow bakers,

I chose the name painperdu because I feel literally lost here in Chicago after spending most of my adult life in Paris. No need to bake over there, really, with a bakery on every corner and one of the very best right down the street, so I haven't done any serious bread baking since I was a kid, helping my mother while she made her Latvian specialties (Ohh, the sourdough black bread or the fabulous rolls she would make for holidays... Now I know she worked so hard at it because she was a lost refugee longing for a taste of home!).

Now that personal circumstances have forced me to leave my adopted home and try to adapt to this strange place, I am homesick for real French bread. I have tried some so-called baguettes available here but they just don't taste right. And they are made from conventional, not organic flour: no GMO's for me, thank you. In desperation, I decided to make my own bread. The results were dismal. When I started looking for help on line, I tried many recipes and tips but I'm still not satisfied. I realize that the flour is different here, the type of water makes a difference and it seems there are countless other variables to consider. So I was very pleased to find this forum. I can see there are many posts to read and they look very promising. Even though I feel reasonably accomplished as a cook, my baking skills are minimal so I will probably just lurk and read and keep trying for now. Thanks to all of you for being there!


I know just the group that can help:  the Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers:  http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Amateur-Bread-Bakers/

Just visit the site and click the "join us" button.  Am certain they will warmly welcome you.

BTW, at the present time there is no GMO wheat being grown or milled in the USA.  That information comes from the Bread Baker's Guild of America.

Since you're in Chicago, visit Whole Foods and try their organic AP flour.  During a recent visit there I picked up five pounds and find it a very nice flour.

I look forward to watching your baking develop.

BTW, have you tried the bread from the Fox & Obel bakery?  Last time I was in Chicago I stayed right down the block and popped by there a few times.  It wasn't Parisian but the breads were pretty good.


I don't have a lot of mobility here. Don't have a car and the El doesn't seem to get me to most of the places I want to go, so I depend on a friend for shopping and such. Probably a good thing when it comes to the bread: I am horrified to see that I have gained weight since returning to the US. OTOH, I don't get the exercise I used to when living in a 6th floor walk-up and having to do all my errands every day on foot in my neighborhood. It's a whole new way of life to get used to. I think the baking urge is more emotional (read: homesickness) than anything else - I certainly don't need the carbs/calories! But bread is a pretty emotional thing for many people, isn't it?




This bakery is on Wells St. and the home of Chef Pierre Zimmerman,  my French friends tell me that the bakery is very much the real thing.  This might be a worthwhile stop while you learn to bake.




I haven't found a baguette in Chicago equal or better than the one I make-see picture below.  My favorite recipe is Anis Boabsa's, he won the Best baguette for 2008 in Paris. Do you know his bakery? I use Whole Foods Organic AP flour. I like King Arthur's Organic AP, It requires buying a 50lb. bag.

I follow the recipe below posted by dmsnyder, he is an excellent baker and has many recipes listed on TFL. The second link is a shaping video by Jeffrey Hamelman.




Good Luck,



I know of a Chicago bakery, Floriole, but unfortunately was not able to stop in there when I was in Chicago.
Their website notes they use organic flour. I wish I'd been able to get there and taste some of their bread :^)

Wishing you the very best - exploring Chicago, finding great bread (what good fortune Chef Zimmerman has a bakery in your city!), and for your own baking, as well!
:^) breadsong