Replacing Instant yeast with Osmotolerant yeast



I have this 1lb bag of osmotolerant yeast and I am wondering how much to reduce it by if I'm using it in replacement of regular instant yeast. My breads seem to rise too fast if I use the same amount and as it is a big bag to me, I find it pointless to get a separate bag of instant dry yeast.

Thanks for any input!




Osmotolerant yeast is made to use it for enriched doughs that contains 10% sugar or more per kilo of flour.

Reduced by one third, but generally it is not indicated for use other than the one i mention above.

Good luck!

Yes, osmotolerant yeast was developed to be used in ultra-sweet doughs. However, I've used it in lean doughs, and basic sweet doughs (< 10% sugar) with equal success, and essentially  equal fermentation and proofing times, and oven spring realized compared to non-osmotolerant yeast. I've used the same amount of yeast in either case.

David G

I bought some osmotolerant yeast for my brioche and holiday breads but I have used it in regular breads as well. I ,too,find it is more active than regular instant yeast so I just reduce by 1/3-1/2, depending on my bakingtime availability. The first time I used the full amount, my dough just exploded into a doubling rise-and it was a whole wheat fruited nutted  loaf!