Tis the season in which my appetite for fall fruit begins to peter out and the spring berries aren't here yet so I rummage through the freezer and scrounge up any remaining fruit or berries from summertime. I found blueberries, which led to me adapting this recipe and making a lemon blueberry semonlina teacake. It is really good and not too sweet!
Blueberry Lemon Semolina Cake
80g AP flour
200g semolina flour
200g white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
150g yogurt, plain or vanilla or lemon
3 eggs
⅔ cup melted butter
300g blueberries
juice of half a lemon
shaved rind of half a lemon
Combine the dry ingredients in one bowl, the wet in another bowl. Mix the two together and stir in the blueberries. Bake in a greased springform pan or muffin tins at 350 for 20-30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Looks yummy! I could go for a slice right now :)
The Lemon Anise Tea Loaf we made a few weeks ago, suggested serving with a dollop of whipped cream and blueberries... this would combine in the blueberries. Looks delicious, Floyd. ... I am loving it!
Yummy Baking,
Floyd, I'm with you on the fruits available this time of year. Apples, bananas, then more apples, then more bananas. I've been baking quick breads with my son and this looks like a nice one to try. I'll have to scrounge up some blueberries or something to substitute. Looks like a great recipe and love the color of the cake. -Varda
has to taste great at tea time! Blueberry, lemon and semolina - yummy!
Nice baking floyd.
Blueberries and lemon. I LOOOOVE that combo. And I bet the texture of this is exactly how I am thinking it would be. If it is, I will have to add this to my summer indulgence list.
Thanks Floyd!
P.S. You will be blown away by our summer blueberry harvest season in the Lower Mainland. When comes time, I know the BEST and cheapest farms to buy by the flat out here. Just ask.
Floyds, this looks great! I love lemon with any berries, especially Meyer when my neighbor's tree provides. Thanks!
Great recipe. It was a big hit at a picnic I went to. My Raspberry patch produces way better than my Blueberry bushes do. I think the birds get more Blueberries than I do. Anyway my question: No Salt? Is that intentional or an omission? I have never seen a cake with out at least a pinch of salt. I added 1/8 t. salt (~pinch) to my cake. Thanks!
I think that the salt in a cake is to activate the baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). This recipe has baking powder which has all of the active ingredients mixed in. I may be wrong!
It wasn't an oversight, and if you are using salted butter then you get a bit of salt in there, but if you prefer it with a pinch more, be my guest.
There are so many good recipes here, it's a shame to let them fade away. It's good for all of us, but especially beneficial to newbies who may have missed it. This was posted before I was a member, so I am "bookmarking" this now. It's the perfect time of year, and I could use a sweet treat. Nice Baking, marybeth