fougasse emergency!

Profile picture for user Windischgirl

Hi Good TFL-ers--I need help pronto!

I am attempting Jeffery Hamelman's Fougasse with Olives this afternoon.  The Pate Ferminee' is rising nicely on my counter and I am ready to make the final dough, only to discover an error.

FYI, I have the 5th printing of the 1st edition.

In the "Home" column, the amount of bread flour is listed as 11.3 oz OR 4 1/4 c.  Now I barely passed stats in college, but I know that 11.3 oz nowhere, no how equals 4 1/4 c..

Can anyone enlighten me as to which it's supposed to be?  Or is it a number althogether different?

Pulling out the calculator now, but if someone can help, I'd be grateful.



the 11.3 oz should be closer to 2 1/2 cups. check top of page 276.


I just looked at the recipe. I took the breadflour from the overall formula and subtracted the ferment amount and ended up with 11.3oz. The question is "is 11.3 oz" the correct amount to use? jcking is right that its 2.5 Cups.

Profile picture for user Windischgirl

for confirming that I am not losing my mind (I do have three teens, after all).

I pulled out the calculator, assuming that the total dough weight was correct, and confirmed that it is 11.3 oz.

Dough is now mixing and looks OK in terms of hydration.

Now on to the Boeuf Bourginon to accompany the fougasse!

jcking, plenty to go around.  Do you want the beef version or the veggie version of bourguignon? (sorry about the atrocious spelling)

I'd try some of each.

Placing your bread in front of others, is an act of love.


Profile picture for user Windischgirl

In reply to by jcking

and that is why I bake.  I get such joy from creating sustenance for my family from such simple ingredients.  It ties me to my heritage--I come from a long line of people who baked professionally or out of necessity--and it passes a tradition on to my children.

I'm not a religious person, but being able to make and share bread is truly a blessing to me.

That being said, Zopf (I call it Swiss Cholesterol Bread!) is on the docket this weekend.

Peace to you, Jim!
