Sourdough pecan craisin bread! Pix

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
Recipe from Bread Alone. The recipe calls for dried cherries, but I had craisins on hand. Yes, the crumb is purple :) That's from the reserved liquid used to soak the fruit. The crust is awesome! I think all of the sugar from the craisin juice caused it to caramelize nicely. There's 2 cups of craisins/pecans, and just a little over 2 cups of flour. It's basically fruit and nuts loosely bound together with bread :) Kneading was definately interesting. Every addition of fruit and nuts changed the moisture content of the bread. Good practice for getting a "feel" for dough. Anyway, here's the pix. Enjoy! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting -Joe
looks yours always do! I have a hard time imagining sourdough and sweet your loaf or sourdough banana. Does it still have the sourdough tang?
I didn't notice the tang of the sourdough. It doesn't take away from the flavor, anyway. Oh, I should take some pix of my new lame. I took a Chinese takeout chopstick and whittled the end flat, then put a double edged razor on it. Works like a charm! Nice firm handle. -Joe