Proofing Baskets Brotform Order - So Excited

Profile picture for user Song Of The Baker

Not sure if anyone has ordered proofing baskets or brotforms from The Lucky Clover Trading Company, but I just placed an order of all sorts of sizes/shapes of baskets and brotforms and I am so excited.

Up until now, I have been using makeshift proofing methods at home, which were quite goofy and did not always produce the nice symmetry we all strive for in bakes.

I ordered 2 different sizes of cloth lined proofing baskets in round and oval shapes.  I also ordered a few different sizes of brotforms in round, oval and baguette shapes.  The baskets range from $3 - $7 each which is a major steal.  Brotforms are super cheap too.  The only down side is since I am in Canada, the international shipping was rediculous.  I still saved lots compared to other sites offering the same, eg. Amazon.



I think the original price was something like $6 for any brotform and $1.50 for a lined basked and then someone there figured out what it is that they are selling.

Profile picture for user dabrownman

lind of pricing you can afford lots of different sizes and shapes John. 

Profile picture for user gary.turner

have recently bought from them, two each of round and two sizes of oblong coiled willow bread forms. I have bought from them before, though I don't remember what; service has been good and the products have good quality. Wish they had a smaller or no minimum order.



//edit: Damned auto-repeats.

.... (round and oblong) with no problems at all - WAY cheaper than bigger brands.  I use a fair bit of flour to keep things from sticking, but I've been nothing but satisfied.

Let us know how it goes!


Good to know! I'll look into this company. I, too, didn't want to pay a ridiculous amount for a brotform, so I got an 8-inch round wicker basket at Hobby Lobby (craft store in the US) and purchased 1/4 yard of plain linen. Boom - I got a homemade proofing basket for far less than a ready-made one. It works great.

OK, so I over paid, but, I have a story.  Walked a couple miles to find Poilane in Paris, bought a bread knife with their name engraved on it and one lined brotform.  Each was $45.  But, they came with the story of a trip to Paris.

Price is about $0.50.  Holes are bigger than wire mesh and smaller than a standard colander (image.)  After washing I dipped two fingers in olive oil and spread the oil around on all finger tips and rubbed the inside of the basket for an ultra fine film of oil.  Before I laid my 65% hydration dough in it, I rolled the shaped dough in flour to dust the surface.  Then set it top side down in the basket.  Set the basket on a trivet so air could circulate and covered just the top of the basket with an inverted bowl to rise.  Worked great!