Newbie in New Year - Greetings from Vancouver, WA USA

Profile picture for user Greg D

My New Year's resolution is to bake better bread.  Decided to switch from being a "watcher" to a participant in this site.  Just shaped and sheeted 3 loaves of Cibatta from Reinhart's Crust and Crumb and I am drinking coffee and reading old posts on this site while I wait the FOUR HOURS the bread has to rise before I can bake it.

Happy New Year!

I tend to always relish the first cups of coffee in a new year.  Today is a beautiful day!    

Have a happy new year too and a happy bake.  :)


I hope that your Ciabatta turned out.  I've made it from Reinhart's "Bread Baker's Apprentice" as well as "Artisan Bread Every Day" and they turned out great.  I live just a little north of you in Ridgefield.

