made Nancy Silverton's Fig and Anise Bread today... Well, you know Nancy, actually yesterday and today... turned out good... Tastes really good with a schmear. She said the crust would be VERY dark almost black... I achieved that...
My only critque would be that I hope the crust gets a little softer as it sits wrapped in foil... a little too tough to cut comfortably. Those figs taste really great.
Happy Baking, Diane
If you want the crust to get softer wrap it in plastic wrap and then foil. By morning it should be soft. I just love Nancy's recipes. They are always so tasty and come out so well - even if they take two days. I was thrilled when the company I worked for was chosen to distribute her bread from La Brea nationwide - at least in the top 20 markets at any rate. They still do too. She is one smart, down to earth, classy lady -about the nicest person you could run into and want to do it again :-)
Very nice baking! Those figs and anise have to taste good and perfume the bread nicely.
color is flavor... this is really good bread.
I am branching out! Watch out world.
Who needs comfort zones when you can enjoy bread like that! It must smell and taste heavenly. Nancy would be proud of you ( I know I am)
my sister! We are all each other's cheerleaders! LOL What a picture... help I need eyewash!!! LOL
Love you!