Brod and Taylor - Proofing multiple loaves?


Just got my Brod and Taylor proofing box--LOVE it!!  I'd like to proof more than two 9x5 loaves at time.  Has anyone tried using cooling racks in the proofer to get 4-6 loaves proofed at once?  Which racks did you use? 

I just started carrying these and was thinking of getting  one for myself. You answered one of the questions that I had about this proofer which was how many loaves can fit into one of these. How would you stack a cooling rack in this machine?

Flourgirl, I love my B&T and don't know how I got by without it.  I had read in a review somewhere that someone had placed a baker's cooling rack (the one used to cool cookies) to increase the number of loaves that fit into the box.  I cannot remember where I had read this, so, I thought I'd post here.  I'm going to give one a try on my own just using the measurments of the proofing box.  I will post with my results.  If you're on the fence about getting one of these, don't hesitate.  I do so much with mine!