Hello from Basque Country

Profile picture for user Fagus

Hello all! I am a usual reader but I never decide to join before. Im from Basque Country  (north of Spain) and I´ve spent the last summer working in "The Loaf in a Box" bakery, so I had  the chance to learn and improve my skills in artisan bread baking. I hope to learn all about the great bakers that does possible this site. Best regards!

Given your summer bakery work, sounds like you'll be giving TFL members tips.

Looking forward to seeing the breads of Basque Country.


Hello Fagus,
I remember reading about "The Loaf in a Box" on Azelia's blog:

The breads pictured were so beautiful, and well-crafted! It must have been a great experience being part of Mr. Lepard's bakery.

It would be lovely to learn about some of the breads from your region of Spain, and hope you find lots of good information here, from all of the generous people who share on this site.
:^) breadsong

Hey  thank to both! "The Loaf in a Box" was a perfect chance to learn from the best bakers like Dan and  many others. I´ve got so much to learn yet so i can´t give  tips to nobody in this site because here are  master bakers and still I´m a humble apprentice. Thank you for your attention and generosity, best regards!

Fagus, welcome to TFL!  

We are all but humble learners sharing our faults and successes.  I invite you to share as well as learn here at TFL.  We have lots of fun and inspire each other and everyone has ideas and viewpoints.  "The more the merrier!"

I had to leave Spain just before "The Loaf in a Box"  opened and sorry I missed seeing it myself.  Now I am in Los Angeles, Chile and there are so many similarities with Northern Spain's weather and plant life.  I get plenty of "flash backs" from my 4 month visit to your country.  I am reliving Spring.   I do miss the long history of Spain and its cultural treasures.  Chile is a very young country in comparison.   Someone moved the mountains to the east and the ocean to the west and I'm still all mixed up in my directions.    Must be a northern/southern hemisphere mix up thing.

