A Motherload of SFBI Videos.


I was searching for a video on how to shape Pain de Beaucaire.

I found a video with that pointed to this site: videos.sorensonmedia.com, so decided to plumb its depths to see if there were any more. There was a motherload.


This is the Google search term I used to find them: san francisco baking institute site:http://videos.sorensonmedia.com

Update 1. I don't know if the SFBI has authorized this, but all of these videos have been posted since July 2010.

Update 2. It looks like you can buy a subscription to them on the SFBI's website. Here's the full list of videos in PDF format.

Has anyone either ordered the sub to these videos or know something about them?

in particular I was wondering the average length of each video and whether It was a good investment



I  subscribed to the SFBI videos. Each is very short and covers a very specific technique. They are of high quality. They provide a nice adjunct to the workshops. If you want to see how the pros do it, it's a good investment in my judgement. Note that the KAF videos are free, but the SFBI videos cover more techniques and in more detail, collectively.


Thanks David - that was kind of my fear - that they are short - but if there good I guess thats whats important

funny though - i sitting here now tasting some newly baked modified SJSD - thanks for the recipe and the info


I'm glad you are enjoying your SJSD!

Note that the subscription provides access to all of the videos, so, although each is short, you get lots and lots of them.
