I looked around for a few seconds but didn't find a " post your thanksgiving day loaves in here" thread, so I felt maybe this is the right forum to post one in?
post your thanksgiving day loaves if you'd like.
I baked two today, one was a tiny boule, like 450g total, and then a larger almost 1kg boule.
crumb of the little sourdough boule:
the larger one out of the oven:
larger boule i haven't cut into yet, but i think it will be great.
This morning before the turkey went into the oven, I baked a San Francisco Sourdough bread from a recipe by Dave Snyder . It worked! It has big holes in it and is very tasty, not too sour. My husband, Michael, says it's not as sour as the Boudin bakery, but then again my starter is not 150 years old either.
Here is a picture of the bread's crumb - nice and holey!
The loaves actually tasted much better than the pictures look. I got approvals from my 16 year old cheerleader niece, two BILs, three SILs, and my MIL. It was a tough crowd where many would have preferred the whiter than white supermarket rolls.
The batard is a pain au levain with 5% rye and the boule is what I call a faux caraway rye- I added a Tbs of molasses for crumb color. I have yet to master the new and improved, easier to use Photobucket so the pictures are oversized.
some awful nice baking Jim. Better than rolls any day. Thai crust and crumb really look inviting.
Well, I feel like mine aren't as pretty as everyone else's, but they tasted just fine! They're sourdough deli rye, and I was amazed, even my dad and brother ate some and liked it. They're not big on anything much that isn't white bread, usually.
as pretty as pie! Just beautiful baking all around.
The upper crust is not blurred, the cinnamon is sprinkled over the outside just prior to scoring And changes the appearance.
Sweetened cranberries dispersed throught.
A no-knead bread from Maria Speck's "Ancient Grains for Modern Meals", one of my favorites, for serious bread spice lovers.
A mix of spelt, rye, and cornmeal, with toasted sunflower and black sesame seeds. With, or without, whole kamut berries.
We had our turkey dinner at a restaurant, though, with blah foccacia. This bread was the antidote.
boule Karin and it has to taste great. Looks just like a single knot Chacon!
Very nice baking indeed!
I'll write about it in my blog, soon, Maria Speck and her publisher gave me the permission to include the recipe. It is a fantastic bread!
....were a hit for Thanksgiving. Good recipe.
recipe so much we make huge boules out of it. So tasty and very Thanksgiving -ish! Very nice rolls!