Bread loaf

Profile picture for user sadears

I want to bake artisan bread but put it in bread pans. Is there anything I should know? Like how much to put in each pan? 


and the size of the pans.  Some breads are supposed to double or even triple and rye breads don't rise as much so the pans can be more full say 75% or so.  Whole grain breads don't rise as much either.  MiniOven has a calculator for rye breads and how many grams to put in a pan of a certain size.  As a general rule of thumb for a normal bread say up to 20% whole grains you can take the size of the pan say a 1.5 # pan and add 15% to that - say 1.75# of dough  should work.  You should end up with dough before proofing  that fills slightly more than half the pan height and it will be proofed when slightly over the rim of the pan.  That should get you some decent spring in the oven too.

Hope this helps.