Life in Texas


I have been pretty terrible at getting a regular dose of my TFL (as you can tell by the 8 month gap between entries), but this has been an incredible transition in my life. About 6 months ago, back in Georgia, life was not going our way, what with unemployment and money issues closing in on us with no relief in sight. So we called up a priest that my husband had the good fortune of meeting and staying on his ranch some time ago. Why? We're not sure how we came to that conclusion. Just that one day we felt called to, so much so that it already felt set in stone before we even picked up the phone. I guess that's what people mean when they say that God told them to do something. You just feel compelled. Anyways...all we were hoping for, was that he might need some help with maintenance and we would do what we could for little to no overhead besides room and board. He immediately took us up on the proposition as the ranch was in a bad state and no one had been there for quite some time. And just like that, one phone call had us on the road one month later to start a new life some 4 states away.

And where would we be without our daily bread? So naturally, I bubble-wrapped the hell out of my starter and took him on the road with us. It has and still is a big transition. We're settling into our roles as ranch managers slowly but surely, and getting done what we can, when we can. But if there's one thing I've learned about South Texas, it's this: focus on what you can do TODAY. Tomorrow any number of things may spring up and take priority over what you may have planned, so don't. Or do, just know that you gotta be flexible.

That said, my bread baking has taken somewhat of a backseat, which is tearing me to pieces. We are living in the middle of our current "project" so everything has been chaos this and last month, especially in the kitchen. We had to buy our first loaf of store-bought bread in over a year this month, I was ashamed. I hope to break out of the rut tomorrow, though, with a recipe from the birthday present my husband got me, The Bread Baker's Apprentice! So excited, hopefully pictures and a new entry will be soon to follow. Happy Baking!


with your new project, and hope you are able to bake again soon, and post as well.  -Varda

We're finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with getting our new home situated. I will definitely try to post soon!