My Contribution to World Bread Day

Profile picture for user Justkneadit

First go-around with Epi's and Fougasse, so critique but be kind. Just messin...they are all the Pain de Campagne recipe from BBA. Absolutely delicious bread!

Then just a boule...

By the way, almost all of that bread is gone...ah, fresh bread...can't be beat!



Thanks Phil!

So since you take amazing pictures with your fantastic bakes, I think you should include a video of one of your bakes. I mean 2 months vs. 6 years... that's a lot of catching up to do! 



I have been meaning to ask you, do you literally have an apprentice or is that a inside joke? Sorry, just haven't been around for very long. I will say one thing, I have started to pick up on some of the subtle details of baking, but it would be nice to have someone with experince confirm what I'm doing is right.

is an 8 year old long haired Doxie dog.   She is a determined German and she  a fine nose for baked goods and is a taste tester par excellence.  But you have to believe me that she would never give you any advice on anything, much less bread baking, like the good advice she gives me but hey'  I feed her :-)

I did a post several months ago; February, long before you joined up so you wouldn't know where I admitted that I had a German baking apprentice.    Here it is, you will enjoy it :-)

Thank you DA!

Well that was an instant yeast boule, so we'll see how my sourdough turns out on Thursday. Makes some substitutions, AP instead of Bread and I'm bumping up the hydration to 70%. I like working with dough at that level.

Great looking bread!  Looks like you have the shaping down on this bake.

I'm not sure if it your lighting but it looks like the epi is very light.  If so, you may want to watch your oven temp. or have your oven tested to make sure it is accurate.

Either way, nice bake.


It usually means it is too low.  I would try increasing your initial temperature higher and after about 3-4 minutes lower it to 450 or if you think your oven is off adjust accordingly.  Also, make sure you have enough steam in the oven which can also effect the crust color development.

Hello Lane,
Happy World Bread Day and so nice to see your French contribution, fougasse, epi and a boule!
Lovely ---
:^) breadsong

As usual, I'm over a week late for the party! I just HAPPENED to have the time to bake another pain au levain on "World Bread Day" [which I'd never heard of before...hem-hem]

Yeah, it's wonky and off-centered, cooked in an iron pot for the 'steaming', (which is why it's wonky and off-centered!) but it's a great tasting bread, based on one of Jeff Hamelman's Vermont sourdoughs, adjusted for the different starter hydrations, etc. I was hoping for something 'spectacular', as I've made this loaf so often, but 3 months of no weekends (and no baking) makes these things hard to achieve. "REAL Bakers" get to practice every day of the year, I suppose, while we 'enthusiasts' do the best we can, when we can. I got about half the "oven spring" I was hoping for. 

Hope you all enjoyed "World Bread Day"!

