Parade der Sandwiches - Teil 5

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Finally the final edition of the Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff'

Eat your heart out Ian.  Kitties  on a Folding Bread Mastabe!



I will have to try and get a picture of one of my kitties sleeping in the basket you were so kind to send.  Only problem is they eat so much I don't know if any of them can fit in it!  I'm having pangs of deep loss at seeing the photo of the limoncello bottle! :(

a kitty in the mastaba!  I'm sure it will make one of your posts.  At least now we know how to send limoncello across this country and  bust the heck out of it :-)  A sad loss since that was the last of April Fools, 2011  vintage :-(  The 5th  that broke came from the bottle on the left so there is a smidgend left:-)  Nope, just finished it off!

Added some more pictures since your post to bring us up to today's breakfast.

that are hard to get  for this breakfast egg McMuffin  - 4 year old super sharp cheddar, home made apple wood smoked bacon and the caramelized strawberry jam.  Usually we would use caramelized  Minneola Marmalade but now that we figured out a fool proof way to caramelize jam without burning it, strawberry isn't bad either

They have some very nice Tillamook cheddar (an Oregan cheese maker that I used to distribute for - we used to take it as far NE as Baltimore) on sale at Winco right now.  Sorry, it's a  Northwest Coast chain that recently moved East into Phoenix - the most competitive grocery town in the country and are just kicking butt with their low price mantra - without you having to buy a years worth.

Now Phoenix is really cheap for food.  They have all kinds or whole grains in their bins - have 10 times as many bins as Whole Foods - they even have white spelt and white Kamut already ground in the bulk bins.  We got WW berries there for 37 cents a pound.  Incredible!  Sadly, they only take cash or debit cards.  No credit cards or checks.

You will like these EM's for breakfast.  Right up your ally.  It would be really good with musk ox chili spiced cheese curds from Nepal and some hot chorizo too -  but I don't want to give you any ideas:-)

are just too necessary after seeing this--however do you accomplish that without turning it into a solid mass?

Pictures are lovely and of course that Az sky is gorgeous.