NYB Type 85 Multi-Seed SD Bread

Profile picture for user Elagins

When I was up in Santa Rosa last February, I passed through Petaluma and paid a visit to Della Fattoria, which some folks consider the best bakery in America. While there, I tasted several of their breads, including their multi-seed wheat loaf. I loved the bread so much that I had to reproduce it, which I did using NYBakers Craft Flour Type 85. The recipe follows:


Wheat sour (60% hydration) 150g (18.75%)
Type 85 Flour 300g (37.5%)
Warm water 180g (22.5%)

Hand mix and let the sponge develop for 8-12 hours or overnight. If you like your breads really sour, refrigerate for another 10-12 hours.


Sponge from above (630g)
Type 85 Flour 500g (62.5%)
Water 400g (50%)
Sea salt 16g (2%)
Toasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds 50-70g each, to taste.

Mix the sponge, flour, water and salt by hand until smooth. Stretch and fold every 20-30 minutes until the dough doubles in bulk and shows bubbles, about 3 hours.

Gently turn the dough onto a well-floured board, flour hands and gently knead the seeds into the dough, spreading them on the top surface, folding, spread, folding, etc., until about 80% of the seeds are incorporated.

Bench the dough and set aside to proof until doubled in bulk, with well-defined bubbles under the surface, about 2 hours.

Preheat your oven to 500F/260C with a steam pan. Just before baking, add 1 cup/225ml of boiling water into the steam pan.

Brush your loaves with water, sprinkle on remaining seeds, slash and load oven. 3 minutes into the bake, add another 1 cup/225ml of boiling water and reduce oven temp to 450F/235C. Bake for another 20-25 minutes, until bread colors and reaches an internal temp of 205F/97C.

The crumb is very tender, the bread combines sour, sweet, nutty with a touch of salty. Love this with cheese, smoked fish and meats, or just buttered.

 Stan Ginsberg



That's a great looking bread Stan and must taste terrific.  Looks like it has a nice open crumb.  What are the attributes of Type 85 flour?

Looks good. Thanks for the recipe.

You don't mention when the loaf shaping is done, but I assume it is just after "kneading in the seeds"?

Yes, the seeds go in just before shaping.

As for Type 85, it's a low protein (12% or so), high-extraction European style flour that contains more bran and aleurone layer material than U.S. flours. This makes it both darker and richer in ash (0.89%) than U.S. bread flours (0.52%-0.55%).

The result is a crumb that's more tender and flavorful than breads made with standard patent flours. I like it and use it extensively in my hearth-style breads, from baguettes to miches.


this bread looks like it has a pinch of rye in it.  It's the T-85.  At 72% hydration the dough sould be eaasy to work and shape too.  Seeds at 30% are very nice too.  Just a fine loaf of bread inside and out.  Thanks for sharing Stan. 

And than you for your kind words, dabrownman. It's a very nice dough indeed. In fact, few of my wild yeast hearth breads lately have gone below 70% hydration and more of them approach 80%.  I also find that hand mixing + stretch-and-fold produces a much more tender and open crumb, proving once again that less is often more.


I got my current wheat sour from joyfulbaker's cousin Josh up in the North Bay last February. I keep it at 60% hydration and feed it once a week with either GM Harvest King (12.0% protein) or KA Sir Galahad (11.7% protein). When I use anything other than a patent flour, I build a separate sponge, but don't keep any on hand other than the mother sour (plus a white rye sour at  80% hydration). IMO, the mother sour itself doesn't play a huge part in the flavor or texture of the finished bread, but serves exclusively as a means to inoculate the dough with the wild yeast culture.


Wow, a nice job Stan, and thank you for the recipe , hope mine is half as good as yours.

I am going to have to order some of this flour! Thank you for the wonderful recipe!

Hi Stan!

Beautiful loaf! Looks a lot like Eric Kayser's Pain aux Cereales which is one of my very favorite breads! I will have to visit Della Fattoria next time I am in the Napa/Sonoma vicinity!

Thanks for sharing your approach. I may have to order some of your flour and give it a try!


I've used both the NYB 85 and the NYB 65 and am a yeast-only baker due to my irresponsible nature which kills house plants and starters.  Both make great tasting bread.  When I made a simple flour/yeast/water/salt baguette from the NYB 65 recently, hubby got all misty-eyed about his semester abroad in the early 70s.  "Ah, this is exactly the bread you got at every bakery in France."  Okay, so he exaggerates a bit but it was durned good.  The NYB 85 makes an obviously darker loaf which, in a plain yeast bread, is very pleasantly malty in taste.

I am an avowed NYB flour junky and love variety so we keep trying anything Stan comes up with.  We may be retired and practicing good retirement frugalities but we treat ourselves with mustard from the Mustard Musem, blueberry preserves from Michigan blueberry farms, and flour from Stan.  Life is good.

Thanks for your generous posting and the detailed recipe--and the nice "plug" for Josh and Carol's Rustic Bakery in Marin.  This month they are doubling their space in the Novato bakery.  Say, maybe I'll go on over and get some of that starter!  And I love seeds on the crust of my bread!
