Pain De Provence

Pain De ProvencePain De Provence

I saw Floyds beautiful loaf with the spiral slashing and just had to try my hand at a pinwheel. I ended up with a few extra cuts but overall it turned out very nice. I used the same base formula that I used on the Crusty Italian below and added the spices and a 1/4 cup of liquor to the water. It smelled heavenly in the bowl and in the oven. By the time it was done baking the alcohol aroma was gone and I haven't tried it yet so I'll have to wait on the crumb shot for it to cool.

I used a small bottle of Penzies Herbs de Provence and dumped the whole bottle in. It wasn't a 1/2 Cup as the recipe calls for but at least 1/3C I would say. The pre ferment was put together last night with SD starter that weighed 12 oz.

Thanks Floyd for the inspiration to try this. It smells great!


Beautiful loaf!  I'll bet the house smelled wonderful too, like a walk through the herb garden on a French summer morning. 

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