Hokkaido Milk Bread Tangzhong Hot Dog & Burger Buns


I have been wanting to try the Tangzhong method for a while when I want soft, fluffy bread. I also was very impressed with txfarmer's demonstrations of kneading technique to get soft and fluffy (and everything else she does!). I finally got around to it. I made up the Tangzhong yesterday and put in fridge overnight. There are good videos of this process on youtube, but it is easy. Just 5 parts water, 1 part flour (by weight) and medium heat, stirring till it thickens (149 degrees F).

This morning I mixed the dough from Karen's Kitchen in my Bosch compact. I kneaded (mostly on speed 2) for around 30 minutes total, trying to follow txfarmers instructions. I finally got something close. I shaped into 6 - 65 gram hot dog buns and 4 - 95 gram burger buns, two knotted, two not. ;-)

Soft and Fluffy.

Burger Buns close up.

Not sure how much of the texture is due to Tangzhong method vs extensive kneading.

Submitted to yeastspotting.


They felt nice and light. I made the Hot Dog buns with the same 65 gr of dough I normally use and these ended up much bigger so I assume they have more air. However, I put them all in the freezer so I'll have to update when I eat some.


Look forward to seeing them.  I'm fasting today for Yom Kippur and the thought of eating a hot dog on one of those beautiful buns is about to put me over the edge :)