Taco bowls for taco salads

Profile picture for user AnnaInNC

Hi, everyone,  ok, I received my order of large taco bowl molds and armed myself with 5 lbs of masa harina.  My first attempt at the bowls/shells was very very awful. They were thick and took forever to bake to a slight brown since no fat was involved (I guess).

The instructions tell me that I am supposed to roll out the dough very very thin and then transfer into the mold.  Yes, but they didn't say how.

The dough tears, if I am lucky enough to even get it off the plastic wrap which was sprayed with a bit of oil.

Has anyone perfected making a taco bowl for a salad ? 

Thanks so much,




Well-I've made homemade corn totillas successfully using a press and wax paper or plastic wrap.

I've made taco bowls using pre-made tortillas by using the bowl as a mold.

But I've never made taco bowls by shaping fresh dough in the bowl. To make taco bowls, I drape the pre-made tortilla over the upside down metal mold,kind of drape it-shape it-bake it. I know the tortilla needed to be very fresh and pliable and actually the flour ones worked better. It was a while ago-I'm not even sure how hot the oven was-just try 350 and watch them!

Reviewing online, it looks like you take pre-made (even if homemade) tortillas and put into pan and bake. Raw dough is not used in any of the sites.

Have fun!


and maybe a touch of oil to make them more pliable - and brown better.  I thought of maybe making a very thin dough and pre-baking in an iron skillet like a pancake and then folding them over the mold and bake a bit to get the pretty shape. I will try that next. The store-bought tortillas taste horrible (to me).

Thank you !



My home made corn tortillas have butter and lard in them.  I don't' know of any that don't have some kind of fat in them.  What is your recipe?  Dry fry them flat in a cast iron pan.  Cover and let cool. Put in Mivcrowave to soften then put in mold to bake. 

Se acabaron los problemas de esa manera.

A thicker piece of plastic that still bends like scrap booking acetate works best.  Oil it up first helps too.  I use home made Chicken stock but not necessary.  You can use the bottom of 2 qt sauce pan for a press, then roll it out to make thinner if necessary  - comes out more round and thinner.  You don't need  to add Swiss chard either, I sometimes use dried Mexican oregano crushed fine or nothing  but the spices make for yumminess. 

Thanks for compliments too!