Scoring a nature scene

Profile picture for user MANNA

Here is a pic of my first attempt at scoring a nature scene into a loaf. My inspiration was Bob Ross. He inspired me when I was young to paint and spent many days in the garage doing my best to paint like him. One thing that he said in a show that stayed with me was as he stood there pointing to his head he said "first you have to beleive in here". I beleive I can make great bread and I beleive I can make an awesome nature scene on it to eat with your eyes before eating with your mouth. And for everyone here I beleive you can all make "happy little loafs". Thanks Bob.

And one of his mountains!!  Nice going.    Thank goodness Bob wasn't into Picasso and stuck to landscapes!  Can you imagine cubist nudes on bread ?  :-)

A berry, berry nice loaf of bread that is too  pretty to cut and eat so we can see the crumb :-)

Nice baking

Profile picture for user gmagmabaking2

AWESOME....  that is so creative... I am envious. YOU ARE GOOD.


inspiring!   ...makes me wonder what a steel brush could do...    

think my drummer will get mad if I borrow his?  

...a fog line... ...a lake of seeds...

On my next attempt I want to use a stencil to dust the loaf with flour. Then use some scoring to accent the scene. Mini, a pastry brush with water or eggwash to add some seeds or other stuff is a good idea. I wouldnt do this on a white bread. I think the oven bloom would be to much. On a whole-wheat you can control the bloom better.

What a beautiful result!  I really like the idea.  Here I am just trying to get the basic loaves down okay and you are dong art in your scoring!?!  That is awesome craftsmanship!

Once agian my mind is blown by the ideas and creativity I find on this board.  Very cool!!!!


Here is a pic of the "Big Mountain Bread" (luv it Mini) crumb. I used granola my wife makes as a soaker. The recipe is oatmeal stright bread from Hammelmans Bread book.

... at its most beguiling! I think, if you could freeze some of your etchings to prevent them being wolfed, you might soon be able to launch a collection. "Manna Masterpieces". Think we should book The Tate? All at Sea