Chiffon Cake - what oil to use?

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What are the qualities of oil that I should be looking for when making chiffon cake? The recipes I've found vary from olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, etc. Which is best and why?

Neutral vegetable oil of your choice is best nothing saturated like no to coconut or palm oils I use canola, it works perfectly I did use olive oil one time because I adore an Italian olive oil cake I grew up with, but I think the fact it is no " unsaturated " and was mono saturated was the problem it was too heavy I am looking forward to reading how your cake come out! I don't think I mentioned it but I sift AP with cake flour half and half with the baking soda and salt several times, then one more for good luck This is one case were sifting really matters I think

I made a chiffon cake earlier. Looked beautiful when it came out of the oven. As it cooled, it deflated within 10-15 minutes. I'm not sure where I went wrong. Maybe it cooled too fast? Perhaps I should let it cool in the oven with the door ajared? I used a 9 inch cake pan instead of the angel cake pan (the one with the center tube) since the angel cake pan is non-stick and the cake seems to separate from the walls and collapse.

I'm trying to copy this recipe: The difference is that I have subtracted 20C from oven temperature to account for my fan forced oven.

Any ideas what might have gone wrong? My meringue looked a bit beyond stiff peaks, too.

Look for a silver tube pan (i.e., one that doesn't have a non-stick coating).  The tube provides support for the batter, and cakes that are designed to work with the center tube often won't work with a layer cake pan.  

Re: which oil, I've used safflower and canola with success, but my favorite is walnut or almond oil, because of the beautiful flavor they bring to the cakes.  I use either the La Tourangelle brand, or else save the oil that separates from the top of jars of nut butter (it freezes well).  

This is almost exactly the way I make chiffon cake Use pandanus to taste and a little vanilla Take out the lemon ...or leave it the cake only has rind Good luck After all the cake talk I picked my blackberries extracted the juice collected duck eggs Assembled the cake, all seems perfect I forgot the sugar :( it is horrific tasting Duck food I gues Repurposing it!