The Spam is starting to get really annoying... and how do you...

Profile picture for user BellesAZ

Lately, there has been A LOT of spam coming into my email inbox.  For a long time, I wasn't getting any notifications of any kind (I set it up this way, I hate SPAM or pesky notices everytime someone comments) and now, it seems I'm gettting barraged with them.. I've changed all the settings I can think of.. but if this doesn't improve, I may have to shut down this account and leave.  I don't want to do that... I love this group.

Any suggestions??  Anyone else experiencing similar issues?

It's pretty annoying.  Not ready to leave yet, but ...  Never used to be a problem, but it's gotten worse recently.  Sure would be nice if TFL could remedy this.

I don't think I've ever received spam as a result of TFL. If you're getting spam, I'm guessing it's coming from elsewhere. 

I recommend creating a 2nd free email account with a service like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo, and using that for all non-critical messaging. In some cases, you can set these services to filter or forward messages to your normal account. 

The trick to not getting spam is to not share your email address with any web sites or people you don't know personally (even then it's tricky). The more you share, the more spam you'll get. 

Also, you can change your notification settings in TFL: 

  • Click the "My account" link on the left-hand navigation
  • Click the "Notification Settings" tab, and adjust settings as desired.
  • Save the settings

I did that first thing when I started getting these a month or two back. 

But thanks for the suggestion.. I suspect I may have to shut down this account and open a new one under another email address.  *sigh*

Are you talking about spam originating from this site?  About a half dozen spam messages slip through the filter each day, which community members flag and I promptly delete.

If you are just talking about email notifications of new content, you look like you are signed up for email notifications for 107 pages and 2 content types.  That isn't spam, that something you turned on.  If you'd like to stop receiving those, go My Account > Subscriptions, uncheck them all, and save.  Or let me know and I'll unsubscribe you from them.


No, those subscriptions are the ones I've purposely subscribed to.  These are not the ones I'm speaking about.  Today was a good time to show you what I mean.. something else is happening as this is what was in my inbox account just this morning.  Trust me, this is happening everyday. 

Would you recommend I delete this current account and start again with a new one?  I really hate doing that.. or the alternative is to put ALL emails from TFL into a spam folder in my email.  Here's the snippet that I saved to show you what's coming in.

Deleting the account would make zero different.  The spam would still come.

Under subscriptions you are subscribed to all new posts of type blog.  Guess what content type spammers typically use?  Blog.

This morning when I got up community members had flagged these 11 posts as spam, so I was able to quickly zap the account and remove the threads from the site.  Aside from hiring someone to take the night shift or closing site registration, there is little more I can do to prevent these. 

If I were you I would unsubscribe from the content type and only opt-in to receive messages about threads that I'm interested in.



Hay Floyd,  I'll bet you have a group of dedicated members willing to help on the night shift.  I just flagged one that wanted me to increase the size of my......

Anyway volunteer here if needed