I'm sorry to come here with such a stupid question.
But i feel helpless, because my google searches have turned up pretty much emtpy.
I have a bread recipe from way back, but i have lost the process pages. And now i cant track the recipe back to it's origns.
I would be greatful if anybody could provide a similar recipe with the method attatched, or the method to this bread.
The recipe goes like this:
350g wheat flour
450 rye flour
1400ml water
The bread:
2L of starter
6kg wheat flour
7kg rye flour
3,5 l water
20g salt
20g yeast
As i understand from the starter, it's a sourdough bread, but the bread has yeast in it, how on earth should i go about making the bread.
Thank you in advance.
I'm not sure that this is necessarily a sourdough bread. What the recipe calls a "starter" could just be a "soaker," which would not be unusual given the whole grain content. If it is, indeed supposed to be a sourdough starter, it would be quite a liquidy one, at 175% hydration.
However, the basic math doesn't seem quite right.
Let's calculate the hydration of the final dough, assuming all of the starter will be added to the final dough:
Water content = 1400 g + 3500 g = 4900 g
Flour content = 350 g + 450 g + 6000 g + 7000 g = 13,800 g
This amounts to a hydration of 4900/13800 = 35.51%, which is impossibly dry, especially with the whole grain content in this formula. Additionally, the salt content is incredibly low - only about 0.1%, which would leave your bread rather flat-tasting. For comparison, salt content in a french baguette is about 2%.
My impression is that something is not right with this recipe, and I would avoid it. There are plenty of formulas out there for breads containing whole wheat and rye that are tested and true.
I suggest you try Mike Avery's recipe at this web site: